This week has been a blur.
And this weekend will be on the cheap. I spent all my paycheck and what little I had in savings on rent, health insurance, power bill, and my phone bill. I called my health insurance company again and begged for something, anything they could do to bring my monthly payments down.
So now I have a $5,000 deducible - no joke. But I'm saving a $100 a month and I'm prepaid till September 20th. If my next pap is clear I will be able to reapply for the Smart 500 plan. If I get that plan my deductible will be $500 and my monthly payment will be about $20 less. Crossing fingers and popping my folic acid.
Tonight TBD and I are going out to a big party where we can dance away our stress surrounded by good friends. He's between F/X gigs and is stressing about money and I'm broke and can't help him. You'd think we were in our twenties *shake head* but alas this economy is breaking us. I went to four different coin-star machines to find one that wasn't "full" to have $50 this weekend.
I'm even contemplating dropping one of my two gyms to save some cash. I love both my gyms for different reasons... but I also like to eat.
Did I mention that I got a small raise at work this week? It's not as much as I'm worth *wink. I even got a title bump and still get to answer the phones half the time. LOL
But I still have my amazing running shoes that help me get my runner's high and make me feel like I'm flying and free. Strange how completing a 10K has given me a new escape from reality.
Happy Friday to you all! Tonight I'm gonna go run in the park, meet up with TBD for dinner and then go dancing to shake away the blues.