I had a good weekend. TBD and I did go out Friday night after I did a quick run but the girls and I had to create a dance floor at the fancy Hollywood restaurant bar. Strange that the event chose that venue for their DJs to play at. Our group of friends were a little disappointed in the place as we wanted a dance club. So we made it one!
I caught up with some friends that I only run into at parties and danced until my feet ached.
I didn't get enough one-on-one time with TBD though. The downside of going out when you only see your man on the weekends. He spent most of his weekend helping friends work on an art project.
But I got some great friend time this weekend. I had Saturday brunch with the girls: Hawkwoman, Sassee, E and Case. I made Blueberry Coffee Cake from Healthy Appetite and it was delish!
Click here for the Recipe
I literally ran into MJ - whom I haven't seen since December - she caught up with me in the park on Friday night during my walking warm up and we walked and talked for a mile. It was great seeing her again.
After my run this morning with E, I splurged on a blended coffee with banana at my favorite coffee stand and while I was on the phone with Lil Sis our friend Kevin walked by. I yelled out to him and he talked on the phone with Lil Sis for a few while I caught up with his girlfriend. I can't even remember the last time I saw the two of them. It was great catching up with them as well.
Love that my new lifestyle is getting me out of the house and literally running into old friends! How cool is that?