I had a lovely weekend - TBD free - I really like spending time with him but he constantly confuses me and disappoints me. And now my girlfriends are all officially "done with him" . LOL
I didn't manage to get in a run this weekend but my legs were still so tense from the five mile run last Monday that my calves seized up after my run on Wednesday. My legs needed the break.
I found out that my brother and I didn't get in for the Grand Canyon 4 day hike next year - again - this time because of a bad fax machine. I'm so bummed by this. And I don't think I can express in words how much I was looking forward to going on that guided hike with my brother.
But on the plus side we're now signed up for a Colorado River Rafting week long journey in the Spring of 2010. It's not a hike but it's still something great to look forward to.
Without the hope and excuse of the Grand Canyon Hike that would have been April 2009, I'm giving the LA Marathon a serious consideration. It's not till March 1, 2009 so I have plenty of time to decide. But maybe just maybe it's time for me to run a marathon. wow, that still sounds like "crazy talk!" to me.
Seriously, my thirties are turning out so much better than my twenties. At 35, I'm in the best shape of my life and I'm starting to think about running marathons! WHO AM I?