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Lovely Weekend with 'My' Man - Part 1
Lovely Weekend with 'My' Man - Part 1
But this past weekend has me perplexed because he was absolutely wonderful and even broke some of his rules about not seeing me more than once a week. so we won't get too attached - too late, I think
I had told TBD that June was a super busy month for me and there would be weekends when I wouldn't be able to spend time with him but we knew that we'd see each other on Friday the 13th at a mutual friend's birthday karaoke party. He drove over to my side of town, and came into my apartment to pick me up. A momentous occasion as it's the first time he's even been to my place in the six plus months that we've been seeing each other. He's extremely allergic to cats and I have two.
We went to the karaoke place in Korea-town and had a blast with the birthday girl and friends. I got to rock out with some of the Derby Dolls as well. I'm not much for singing in public but dancing to some of my favorite songs is a different story. I was dressed up and ready to party.
All of TBD's friends were talking about a party where M was going to be a DJ on Saturday night. And TBD asked if I was interested, and I said sure, it's should be fun.
I drove TBD home and we spent the night at his place as I was the sober one and we left his car behind at my place. We got up Saturday morning to see if the Wat Thai Temple still sold Thai food. They still do but on a much smaller scale in their community center. The people were so nice and told us to come back every weekend. One of the ladies held my hand when she gave me change and thanked me. TBD and I were the only 'white' people there amongst the Thai community and the monks in orange robes. And the food was good but I miss the big tents next to the temple with the festive atmosphere they had every weekend.
TBD and I picked up his car and went our separate ways for the afternoon and met up again Saturday night to go to the house party. Despite his lack of funds he bought me some Lemon Drops by Mike's Hard Lemonade as well as this drink mix that will help my muscles while I train for the 10K.
I told TBD that I've been struggling the past two weeks because my calf muscles have been too stiff for me to run more than two miles. After I run, my calves are so tight that I can barely walk. The drink mix is supposed to help break up the salitic acid in my muscles. Considering my crazy addition to working out - he couldn't have gotten me a better out-of-the-blue present.
He knows my love of Lemon Drop Martinis (the cause of our first hook up LOL) and it was really thoughtful of him to pick that up for me for the house party...
Eeek, this blog is getting long. I'll continue later today as long as it doesn't get busy at work. I'm truly enjoying the calmer work day today!
posted on June 16, 2008 12:38 PM ()
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