Sexy Sadie


Sexy Sadie
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Can't Buy Me Love

Life & Events > Relationships > Lovely Weekend - Part 2

Lovely Weekend - Part 2

(FYI - I've been crazy busy at work and in my personal life... )

... so where was I? right the house party.

We get to the party and the house was absolutely amazing with the huge deck built into the hill behind the house with it's own little hiking trail leading to an outlook of the mountains.

The DJs were pumping out some good tunes - until the 80s music reared its ugly head. We all sang along but at the same time the group slowly dissipated away from the dance area. LOL

Two of the girls in the group snatched me and we went to the overlook to gossip... about me and TBD. They were dying to know what's up. And like Spicy said, communication is tough between the sexes and I don't really know what's up. I told them that in truth TBD and I really enjoy hanging out together, neither of us are ready for serious commitment and we're just having fun together.

They told me that since January he hasn't been eying girls the way he used to and on the weekend camping trip (that he wasn't ready to bring me to) he ended up taking care of everyone there. They laughed and said that he wasn't even noticing any of the single girls at the event.

But I knew that already. I know TBD likes me more than he's willing to admit. Neither of us wants to get hurt and though we've been seeing each other exclusively for six months, we keep the cat allergy between us like a safety blanket. LOL

On Sunday morning TBD and I chatted about my parents coming to town and my trip with them to Yosemite this weekend (I'm so crazy excited about going to Yosemite on Friday followed by the Great Sequoias with the p's).

So I decided to throw it out there - "If you want, you can meet my parents." I then told him that the last guy I was seeing threw it in my face at our breakup that I never let him meet my parents. I'd explained to the guy that I didn't want to get their hopes up and that we hadn't been seeing each other for long.

TBD laughed and said, "Sure I'll meet them and we can go out for Sushi!" Then I laughed and told him that I've been trying to get them to try sushi for about 9 years.

I'm a little freaked out that he so willingly said yes to meeting my parents. I was expecting him to decline. I will never understand this man.

So tonight my parents arrive in LA, tomorrow they will meet TBD, and Friday we drive to Yosemite.

It's an exciting week to say the least.

posted on June 18, 2008 10:44 AM ()


meething the parents is pretty huge for lots of people...especially for those who aren't really too involved with one another.
I know you all will have a WONDERFUL time and can't wait to read alllll about it!
comment by mrsstu on June 24, 2008 10:39 AM ()
Sounds like fun! Good luck. Protect your heart but not too closely. Sometimes its worth the risk! I peronsally think that the mohawk should be a surprise.
comment by spicybitch on June 19, 2008 9:58 AM ()
I'm finding that some friends think it's a big deal and for others it's not. I guess it's not a big deal to TBD.
And of course I like him. I might even be falling... but I keep catching myself because it's so uncertain. TBD and I are keeping each other at arms length - each for our own reasons.

Oh, should I tell my parents he has a mohawk or let it be a surprise?
comment by sexysadie on June 18, 2008 11:22 AM ()

wow!!! I didn't blink an eye, nor did R, but there are so many single people that it's a big deal too so WOW! I am so happy to hear that!
Sounds like he is liking you. Now. Do you like him???? Are you falling even though you didn't mean to? Inquiring minds wanna know!
I hope you enjoy the parentals visit!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on June 18, 2008 10:55 AM ()

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