I don't really have time to post at work but I feel like it's been forever since I have posted.
So just to get everyone updated:
My parents arrived last Wednesday night and just left this Wednesday morning. On Thursday evening they met TBD and it was a lovely evening at the local Thai place where "Thai Elvis" sings with the smooth melody that is identical to Elvis himself yet this man is a mere 5 foot tall and from Thailand. He's incredible.
I decided to mention to the rents that TBD has a mohawk. My mom said later that it wouldn't have shocked her that much as his mohawk is more subtle than she had pictured. On the other hand not one word was said to me about my daisy tattoo, my running a 10K, or my weight loss.
After meeting my parents, I now have an even stronger attachment to TBD and I think him to me - despite both of our commitment issues and pet incompatibility. My parents and I took a trip to Yosemite - will post pics later this week - and on the drive up TBD called to see how my first personal day off this year was going. It wasn't even 11am yet.
Oh, I thought I'd lost Rigby, my shy kitty cat when my parents and I were loading the car Friday morning. She was hiding so well that we had to shut up the apartment for a few minutes to see if she'd come out when it was quiet. She did, but I was in tears thinking she'd run out of the apartment.
Yosemite though, was astounding and beautiful, and peaceful and amazing, and and and I can't wait to go back. I need to return with someone that loves to hike. My poor parents couldn't keep up and my mom described me as the young pup running circles around them with all my energy.
I love my parents and it's tough that they live so far away sometimes. They gave me a little money and I think I'm gonna buy a bike to help save gas as well as wear and tear on my 19 year old caddy. Not to mention helping me keep my weight off.
This weekend is TBD's birthday. I bought him a wireless router, some Yosemite shot glasses and I'm making him carrot cake cupcakes and white sangria for his birthday bbq bash.
I actually can't wait to see him on Saturday... I'm in such deep trouble now.