This is for the few of you, pet lovers out there who haven't seen much of my kitty cats the last couple years. I admit it was kitten overload when I first got them. I'd always been a dog person so it was a whole new world to switch from dogs to cats. And my world has never been the same.

Eleanor Rigby

Rigby & Sarge

My little attention-whore, Sgt. Pepper started rolling back and forth cause I was spending too much time taking photos of Rigby. He knows I can't resist a belly scratching opportunity even with the risk of a bite on the hand.
They are both well. But for the sake of my furniture, everything is now covered with yoga mats in case Rigby gets pissed. And no bath mats are ever left on the floor.
But there were no incidents while I was away hiking the canyon for a week, in fact all three cat sitters said Sarge and Rigby were, "so sweet" and loving when they came by to take care of them.
I must have done something right to make them not run and hide from humans.
(p.s. Rigby does hide when it's several humans. Her human limit is about 2-3 depending.)