CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
Oklahoma City, OK
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My Wild Dreams

Life & Events > Video Memories

Video Memories

Jim was dismissed from the hospital yesterday.  He has a 70% blockage in one artery, which the doctors tried to open with a balloon; but decided for some reason not to put the stent in.  Instead, they are treating it with medication.
The doctor told him that the reason he got the fluid building up around his lung and heart was that his heart just was not able to pump hard enough to get rid of it.  
The first thing he did when he got in the car was light a cigarette. I think he is  actually  intent on killing himself.  It frustrates me beyond words.  
On a slightly brighter note,  the social worker at the hospital told him about a shelter for people from out of town taking chemo/radiation at Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation.  The shelter is completely free, the people provide three meals a day, do his laundry, and provide transportation to the hospital for his treatment.  We went by, looked at it, and talked to the administrator.
It is very nice; she told him she would have a room available next week, so that is a relief for me.  He will be in a group setting with everything he needs.
On another subject,  since my friend Lanny's death, I have been e-mailing with his daughter, who lives in Michigan.  She is having a really difficult time accepting her dad's death.  He was truly her hero; in fact, her son is named for him.
I'm always surprised when people such as she tell me how much I influenced their lives when I was a teacher.  Even though she is the daughter of one of my oldest friends, she was also one of my former students, having been in my English class as a sophomore and my journalism class her junior and senior years.
She went on to major in journalism in college, becoming a television sportscaster, working for television stations around the United States and for ESPN.
While working in Miami, she met the general manager of the Florida Marlins and married him.  The year after the Marlins won the World Series, he was offered the GM/Presidency of the Detroit Tigers.
They have been in Michigan every since.  Since I was unable to attend the funeral, she sent me the video that she put together that was shown at her dad's funeral.
The most inspiring part of it all is her twelve-year-old daughter singing "Amazing Grace."  She DOES NOT sound twelve-years-old.  
If you would like to view it, I will post the link.   I thought it was wonderful.  It is only about ten or fifteen minutes in length.   One note. Be sure to read everything below before trying to upload it to your computer.
Here's the link:
It is in AVI format, so if you do NOT already have the codec to decode a video in AVI, you may need to download it first.  Here is the code for that.
The AVI format is a very high quality format and represents the video full screen on the computer.  Once you download the code for AVI, you will need to close your browser; then re-open it and go to the link for the video itself.  
This sounds a little complicated, but it really isn't, and you are in no danger of picking up viruses.  I had to do this on my computer before I could view it.

posted on Sept 24, 2010 5:48 AM ()


Never underestimate to power a teacher has over her pupils/students. I credit a teacher (a nun) for completely reversing my life. She taught me morals and values.
comment by dragonflyby on Sept 30, 2010 7:53 AM ()
I have had a number of students take the time either to write me or to tell me in person that I had an impact on their lives. It makes those menial wages teachers are paid almost seem worth it. As I used to tell my students when I taught, "You don't have to give me the whole loaf; just toss a crumb or two my way every now and then to let me know you are getting what I'm trying to say to you."
reply by redimpala on Sept 30, 2010 8:15 AM ()
I am so glad that Jim is going to be in a good place and receive compassionate care.
comment by elderjane on Sept 28, 2010 5:22 PM ()
So am I. It took a tremendous burden of responsibility off me to know he will be in a group setting where people can watch him and get in touch with his doctors immediately if he experiences a complication.
reply by redimpala on Sept 28, 2010 5:33 PM ()
My computer is downloading the software. We'll see if it works out. It's a wonderful thing to find out you were a good influence in someone's life.
comment by troutbend on Sept 24, 2010 9:50 AM ()
It makes one feel good about himself. Let me know if you were able to view the video.
reply by redimpala on Sept 24, 2010 11:08 AM ()
My mind has been on time as my blog yesterday reflected and it can be our enemy and friend at the same time.
comment by greatmartin on Sept 24, 2010 7:47 AM ()
That is true. Time flies faster every year as I age.
reply by redimpala on Sept 24, 2010 11:09 AM ()
Sorry about your bro being so careless with himself. It's all uphill isn't it? I'm surprised there is a free shelter offering so much. How is it funded. Do you know?

Nice story about your friend's daughter. She seems to have accomplished a lot and married well.
comment by tealstar on Sept 24, 2010 6:41 AM ()
Yes, and I reminded her that her dad lived to see her do all that whereas I lost my dad when I was 22 years old. He also got to know his grandchildren, whom he adored as would my father had he lived long enough. It is my greatest regret in life that he died so young and never knew his grandchildren.
reply by redimpala on Sept 24, 2010 7:26 AM ()
It is all uphill with him. I think he has a death wish. I really don't know for sure how it is funded; but I suspect by social services. They only take 10 people at a time. Directly across the street is a shelter for women that I am almost certain is funded by social services. I was surprised also; she said that they often have people from neighboring states stay with them when the come to Oklahoma Medical Research for treatment.
reply by redimpala on Sept 24, 2010 7:15 AM ()

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