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My Wild Dreams

Sports & Recreation > Olympics > Harry, Gaby, Ali, Lance, and Missy

Harry, Gaby, Ali, Lance, and Missy

Poor Prince Harry!  Seems a guy can't even enjoy an innocent game of strip poker these days without every girl there wanting to snap a picture with her cell phone.

On another note Nike says Lance Armstrong is "still their man" and that they have absolutely NO intention of cancelling their contract.  Kudos to them!

Appears Gaby Douglas is the big winner right now in the endorsement deals following the Olympics.  She has already signed multi-million dollar contracts through the same agent who represented Shannon Miller and Shawn Johnson.  Suppose we will soon be seeing her on "Dancing With The Stars" as well.

My question is, "What about Ali Raisman?  She was the best gymnast on the team, winning two golds and a bronze while Gaby only managed two golds with Aly, the team captain constantly steadying her nerves with pep talks during her all-around competition.  I hope she does not get overlooked by all of Gaby's publicity.

By the way,  Gaby sat down with Oprah recently, claiming the reason she left Virginia to train in Indiana was because she was being bullied by the white gymnasts in Virginia.  She went so far as to play the race card, claiming she was bullied because she was black.  P-u-leese!  

We all know why she went to Indiana.  She wanted to train with Shawn Johnson's mentor because she thought she'd have a better shot at the Olympic team.  Nothing wrong with that; but let's leave the race card out of it.

As for Missy Franklin, the 17-year-old swimming phenom from Colorado who won four golds in London, she is turning down endorsement deals worth $5 to $10 million over the next four years in order to remain an amateur and eligible to swim for her college swim team.  She says she wants "the college experience."  Hope she doesn't suffer a catastrophic injury before Rio.


posted on Aug 28, 2012 10:10 AM ()


Gaby is allowed to be immature. She'll grow out of it. I don't care who Harry disrobes for. He is not on my list of "have to know about you".
comment by tealstar on Sept 2, 2012 7:54 AM ()
Interesting. No further comment.
comment by solitaire on Aug 30, 2012 4:18 AM ()
I detest it when they play the race card while celebrating their celebrity.
People hardly notice skin color anymore.
comment by elderjane on Aug 29, 2012 5:35 AM ()
So do I. My opinion of her went way down when she pulled that stunt.
reply by redimpala on Aug 29, 2012 11:14 AM ()
Harry is not the most discreet of the royals, and has had his share of missteps. Maybe one day he will learn a lesson from his brother William.
comment by redwolftimes on Aug 29, 2012 5:21 AM ()
William needs to set that boy down and have a heart-to-heart with him.
reply by redimpala on Aug 29, 2012 11:15 AM ()
I wish they would leave Harry alone BUT he has to be aware and not let any cameras, phones, bugs be allowed wherever he is having fun!

I think Missy is making a BIG mistake--yes it is great to get the college experience but Jodie Foster and many others, including athletes did both--swimming pools are everywhere, endorsements aren't--she should talk to other female swimmers about their experiences first---mmmmmm--except Esther Williams who can name any other female swimmer????
comment by greatmartin on Aug 28, 2012 12:09 PM ()
Harry, as you said, is not in a position to be so careless. Big Brother slept with Kate for years; but not an ounce of it nor an embarrassing picture of them ever hit the press. He needs to take a lesson from William in being discreet.

Also, I too think Missy Franklin is making a mistake. Who knows if she will repeat at Rio. Another teen sensation could come along and clean her plow shear. Better to grab the money while it's there. She can still, as you said, have the college experience, as many other celebrities have done.
reply by redimpala on Aug 28, 2012 1:59 PM ()
I liked Ali the best on the team.she has more class.I figured Gaby story on this.
Tired to hear about the race card.That is all that is going for them.
I loved Prince Harry and still trying to figured out why is he doing this.
He must realized that it will be all over the world about him frock ling with the girls.
But that is him and Kudos to him in living the life that he wants ,He is young and need an outlet.What an outlet
comment by fredo on Aug 28, 2012 10:35 AM ()
Playing the race card, given that she is raking in millions, is a bit tiresome. As you said, Ali is the one with class. Gaby is just another N____r whining when she should be counting her blessings.

I too love Prince Harry but he cannot afford to be so indiscreet. He needs to take a lesson from Big Brother William who managed to have his cake and eat it too for years without the press every getting any naughty pictures.
reply by redimpala on Aug 28, 2012 2:03 PM ()

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