I came back from Oklahoma late Friday. Mother has her feeding tube and is now back at the nursing home. She is stable, her vital signs are good, and she is rational.
Her status, however, is still day-to-day. She could live another year or die next week. There's just no predicting what is going to happen right now. It keeps me in a state of turmoil; but since Kenna has moved to Clinton to be with her boyfriend, I no longer have anywhere to stay when I am there, so I needed to come home.
The trip home was quite an ordeal. I had Taylor (my grandson) with me. We drove straight into a major storm about fifteen miles north of Pauls Valley. It already had taken us an hour to get through about ten miles of road construction when we hit the storm. I kept hoping it would pass on to the east before we got there; but no such luck.
It was raining and hailing on us that whole fifteen mile stretch and it just kept getting worse. It got so bad that I could not see the road markings. A couple of times I almost drove off the road.
When we finally got to a point where we could stop, I pulled off under the awning at a Love' s Convenience Store. Their power had been knocked out, so it was pitch dark. About fifteen minutes after we got there, a man with an umbrella knocked on our window, telling us there was circulation and that everyone needed to come inside to go to the back of the store in the restrooms for shelter.
We stepped out into water almost half way up our knees. By the time we got inside, we were soaked; but we were not alone. So were all the others who had pulled off there.
We spent about fifteen minutes packed into the ladies' rest room with the employees and travelers. Finally, someone picked up on his cell phone that the "all-clear" had been sounded, so we were able to leave the restroom. But it was another hour before the rain lessened enough so that people could safely get back on the interstate. The whole time we are waiting with just flashlights for light.
It was after midnight before we finally got home. We had another incident occur about the time we reached Denton when the power steering suddenly went out. Saturday, Bevan looked at it and the power steering belt had come off.Â
Since we had just put all new belts and hoses on about a month ago, he and I were both very upset with the dealership. The car is back over there this morning getting another power steering belt.Â
I have the ticket showing that a new power steering belt was installed, but this belt was totally frayed. Either we got ripped off for the cost of a new belt we never got or it was installed improperly.
I'll fill you in on what excuse the dealership comes up with for this as soon as I know more.
yer don't trust a one of the slimy bastids pal