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Life & Events > Did Cage Stage Robbery of Rare Comic Book?

Did Cage Stage Robbery of Rare Comic Book?

Many of you probably read or heard about the rare comic book that belonged to Nicolas Cage being found after it was allegedly stolen from his home over ten years ago.
According to the LA Times, the police have not identified the man who found the comic book and are still “looking into the story.” But another local newspaper reported that a man tried to sell it to New York comic book expert Stephen Fisher, the man who sold the authentic Action Comic No.1 to Cage. He called authorities when aware of the theft.
The Action Comic No.1 was the first time there was an appearance of Superman, back in 1938.
When the comic book was new, it ran for 10 cents. But when Cage bought it in the nineties, it was worth as much as $1.5 million, Business Insider reports.
Cage collected the insurance money and it was unclear if the comic book will be returned to him.
Since Cage has had financial problems the last few years, one might wonder if he hid the book there to collect the insurance money, hoping to reclaim it as some point. 
Then, again, maybe I am just being jaded.  I hope so, anyway.  I like Nicolas Cage's movies a lot.

I can't help believing, however, that we have yet to hear all of this story.

posted on Apr 14, 2011 6:39 AM ()


I haven't like his movies since the one he made with Cher. I unearthed an
old vampire movie that he starred in when Laura was here and his acting
was horrible. Celebrities can be so wasteful with all that money they make.
comment by elderjane on Apr 16, 2011 6:22 AM ()
The comic book now belongs to the insurance company which will likely sell it at an auction. Cage can only get it back if he returns all or part of the settlement. I remember this from my years as an adjuster way back when...
comment by dragonflyby on Apr 15, 2011 9:20 AM ()
I had not heard that the comic had been recovered but the insurance scam sounds plausible. I still shudder when I think of all the old comics of mine that my mother threw out that today might be worth tons.

yer not to mention my brother's sports cards pal
comment by honeybugg on Apr 15, 2011 4:46 AM ()
Yes, comic books and sports card memorabilia are both valuable commodities now.
reply by redimpala on Apr 15, 2011 8:52 AM ()
I hadn't heard about this, either. It's hard to imagine wanting to spend so much on a comic book, because the owner would worry about it getting damaged from people paging through it, unlike a beautiful painting you can hang on the wall and enjoy looking at. I liked "Leaving Las Vegas" and "Red Rock West" but haven't watched any of Nicolas Cage's recent movies because the artwork on the ads didn't make them look appealing to me.
comment by troutbend on Apr 14, 2011 4:50 PM ()
It would definitely have to be kept well preserved. It makes me wonder if it was inside anything in the storage locker.
reply by redimpala on Apr 14, 2011 5:18 PM ()
I hadn't heard that..
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 14, 2011 2:31 PM ()
Keep listening. There may yet be more to this story.
reply by redimpala on Apr 14, 2011 5:15 PM ()
Boy!when growing up in the depression years and all that we had for entertainment were these comic books.We used to swap them to each other.
Little that we know how much value they were.
We could have become millionaire.Oh!well guess that it was not meant to be.Had them all.
comment by fredo on Apr 14, 2011 11:36 AM ()
Makes you wish you'd held onto them, doesn't it?
reply by redimpala on Apr 14, 2011 5:17 PM ()
All I can say is, if Cage did stage this, trying to have a guy sell it now to the same guy/collector who sold it to Cage in the first place is a sure way to get caught. So I tend to think Cage is not involved. And I have to ask, why was this valuable comic not in a safe deposit box in the first place???
comment by marta on Apr 14, 2011 9:03 AM ()
The only reason that I can think of that it was not in a safe deposit box is because Cage bought it when he was being considered for a sequel to the Superman movies. Maybe he had it at home because he was using it to research the Superman character. That role, of course, never materialized for Cage. It went to someone else.
reply by redimpala on Apr 14, 2011 5:15 PM ()
I bought an Action Comics with a Superman story in it when I was 8. I don't know if it was the first issue to feature Superman or not. Mother eventually threw out all our comic books. The reason I remember this so vividly is because my sis, a veteran comics buyer, went with me to supervise my spending my first dime ever. She didn't like my choice but I insisted and she berated me all the way home because I had chosen a comic she didn't like.
comment by tealstar on Apr 14, 2011 7:55 AM ()
And to think your mother may have just tossed a million bucks in the trash. Kind of makes one sick to his stomach now, doesn't it!
reply by redimpala on Apr 14, 2011 8:42 AM ()
'Then, again, maybe I am just being jaded.' No, you're not! By the way when was the last time Cage made a GOOD movie?
comment by greatmartin on Apr 14, 2011 7:26 AM ()
So, I take you the same thought had crossed at least your mind as well. I'm sure it has also crossed the LA Police Dept.'s mind too. We shall just have to see what transpires.
reply by redimpala on Apr 14, 2011 8:43 AM ()

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