CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
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My Wild Dreams

Life & Events > Relationships > Big Sissy ... .Our Budding Superstar??

Big Sissy ... .Our Budding Superstar??

Something we learned early on about Bailey is that she has always been extremely photogenic.  In fact, it has long been a family joke that the only person who could take a bad picture of Bailey was a school photographer.

She has "Anglelina Jolie" lips that have been from babyhood so red that she always looks as though she is wearing lipstick and high cheekbones from her Indian heritage.    In the last year or so, she has shot up to 5 ft, 8 in. with a "drop dead" figure.....long legs, long arms, and a size two figure.

Holly decided she was too photogenic not to consider seeing what others thought of her.  Dallas has a number of top notch modeling agencies. Holly began checking out the credentials of a number of them.  When she found one she liked, she sent them a photo of Bailey along with a letter of inquiry to see if they might be interesting in meeting.

Last week she got a call from the agency requesting more pictures as well as wishing to meet Bailey and her parents.  Bailey was measured, interviewed, and oriented a little bit to the agency's role.

Holly and Bevan were told she had the right build, but she would have to get her braces off before the agency would represent her, if at all.  Holly told them that she would get them off in six months.  

The agency requested more time to study her photos and told Holly they would be back in touch.  About four hours after they returned home, the agency called back, wanting another meeting with Bailey and her parents.

Since they were going to be out of town all this week, they actually met yesterday at 1 p.m. on their way out of town.  The agency told them that they definitely wanted to represent her.  Holly told them they would only allow her to work during summer vacations until she graduates.  So, as soon as the braces come off, the agency will photograph her to prepare her professional portfolio; then in June of next year, they will send her to modeling school.  

They will then begin shopping her portfolio to contacts in the modeling industry.  Since she is a minor, either Bevan or Holly will accompany her on every shoot.

The agency also wanted her to consider taking acting lessons and provided Holly with some literature on good instructors.

I suppose we will find out just how photogenic she REALLY IS in the next couple of years.

posted on Aug 13, 2012 7:52 AM ()


She really is pretty and if modeling is something she wants and likes, it might not be too bad for her.
comment by dragonflyby on Aug 23, 2012 3:41 PM ()
We shall see how it goes.
reply by redimpala on Aug 24, 2012 5:06 PM ()
The stresses of a full-on modeling lifestyle are pretty big -- the pitfalls are anorexia, drugs, and predators in the industry. Watchfulness is major. I am thrilled for her, however. It's good that she isn't "living for it."
comment by tealstar on Aug 16, 2012 6:31 AM ()
comment by solitaire on Aug 15, 2012 8:36 AM ()
reply by redimpala on Aug 15, 2012 6:34 PM ()
Bailey has common sense and a good grounding in family so she can handle
it. Just don't let her postpone college.
comment by elderjane on Aug 14, 2012 6:47 AM ()
That thought had already occurred to me; but I don't think Holly nor Bevan would want that, since they are both college grads.
reply by redimpala on Aug 14, 2012 7:23 AM ()
That's exciting. Even if she doesn't become a big deal professional model, she will have a lot of interesting experiences.
comment by kitchentales on Aug 13, 2012 8:33 AM ()
And build a nice nest egg for herself at the same time.
reply by redimpala on Aug 13, 2012 3:28 PM ()
It's a rough life with a lot of rejection but I have a feeling her mother (AND grandmother) have toughened her up a bit--she will also be dealing with other (very jealous) models--just a suggestion--have her read a few autobiographies of some of the super models--wishing her good luck and the day when "News From Dallas"shows her on the cover of her first magazine!!!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 13, 2012 8:33 AM ()
She likes the idea, but she's not "living for it", so I think she can handle the rejection and pressure. We are really working at preparing her to accept it for what it is, to enjoy it, and not to expect too much. But her on the cover of a magazine in a "report from Dallas" would be exciting, wouldn't it?
reply by redimpala on Aug 13, 2012 3:30 PM ()
Very cool! I hope things go well for her but that she doesn't get caught up into that whole lifestyle...
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 13, 2012 8:25 AM ()
It is cool, isn't it? It may go nowhere, but it is exciting. One can only walk so far with his children, regardless of what profession they choose. Then we, as parents, just have to hope we have given them the love and the foundation to make wise choices the rest of the way.
reply by redimpala on Aug 13, 2012 3:32 PM ()

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