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Black Conservative Thought

Politics & Legal > Times Are Tough All Over!

Times Are Tough All Over!

Is American automotive manufacturing dead? Not hardly! case in point, Greensburg Ind. half way between Indianapolis and Cincinnati; the newest Honda Civic manufacturing facility, with plans to build 200,000 cars per year; thousands of workers over two shifts. so perhaps the pertinent question should be: " Is the UAW dead?" Could be, and will be if they continue with their same old Dem-Lib mentality of give me more more more while their employers, the Big 3, are bringing in less less less. The BIG 3 - $2000 from every car sold is to cover union mandated health care for every current and retired employee. Corrupt and/or misguided union leadership with no regards to the future longevity and/or success of of the company providing them jobs and paying their wages. As Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels said yesterday at the Honda plant grand opening: "A company can succeed if you build a great product and deliver value to your customers." Maybe this is something the UAW leaders should pay attention to! Let each of the big 3 go bankrupt - let them all go out of business - but only temporary. The Asian companies wold quickly but all the bricks and mortar - at a greatly reduced cost - and with a new hiring and production boom, begin making millions of Honda, Toyota, Suzuki, Mitsubishi's, maybe even KIA would buy and operate a US factory or two. But all would be non-union - sorry UAW. Do we still want higher than average paying US owned auto jobs, or do we still want the UAW? -- and take a chance on losing it all??

posted on Nov 18, 2008 2:28 PM ()


I never did get back did I? Sorry.
comment by grumpy on Nov 27, 2008 9:34 AM ()
I will be back tonight after I get off work..good blog but there are some things we need to converse about
comment by grumpy on Nov 23, 2008 11:33 AM ()
I am not against what your saying "fat guy".. just maybe your solution (suggestion) to the problem. It's not something I want to deal with now. I mean I would, but I know you are wrong and it could become intense. Not what I believe. I can say.. email.. Blog me personally.. whatever,, and we can talk. I have no problems talking on here about that,, but maybe this isn't the best place...

Luv ya! Gary
comment by coincutter on Nov 18, 2008 9:02 PM ()
Correct on that - Detroit does not care about the American people, or else they would have been manufacturing the type and kinds of cars that most people want to buy, then they would not be in this mess. Union leader thugs only want more members paying more dues so that they have more money to payoff and bribe politicians at all levels to get themselves even richer usually at the expense of the union members they are supposed to be protecting.
comment by oldfatguy on Nov 18, 2008 8:52 PM ()
The number 1 most American car - with the highest percentage of American made parts - is made here in KY - Georgetown - Toyota Camry !!!!
comment by oldfatguy on Nov 18, 2008 8:46 PM ()
I think the gov't needs to float some kind of bridge loan to the Big 3, but I think they need to put some stipulations on that loan.
comment by anniel on Nov 18, 2008 6:51 PM ()
I am in Michigan. All my family worked at "Buick". Actually my grandfather had the most "seniority" in Buick of anyone when he retired (he has since passed away). He had his hand cut off in a machine when young.. and some agreement was reached they couldn't retire him. He had 50+ years in.

So my dad was a pipefitter in Buick.. my grandpa was was there forever. They wanted me in after HS. I took electronics (trade school), was top in class "Straight A's". I finally decided I didn't want to work there. I was seeing ALOT of things.. these go deep to me, and too many to list. I know the Michigan economy is in the "shitter" as you say.. and if the big 3 go down.. the US WILL lose an entire state. I am a business man, so I know how things work. GM workers have no jobs, they don't give their kids money.. I don't sell chit (because I cater to a younger crowd).

Do I think the Big 3 needs to "close up"?. No. But they will.. if someone gives them a better place to locate.. they will. They will move plants out of the this country. It will affect the entire global economy, and not for USA's good. So should we let the "Japs" get in easy.. NO.. we still should support competition... but fair and equal. GM won't do better if they are the only game in town. Competition works.. but only if it is fair and equal.

I could talk for hours on this, but I won't. The solutions are difficult, but not that hard. I can honestly say.. GM workers are a tad greedy! They get ALOT!!, but also everyone who commits to a job like that (schooling etc..) deserves to be paid. But also... I sure as hell don't want this country flooded with cheap ass cars, that are built my "forced labor" in some foreign country. Do you "Get my point..?" this system needs to be worked on.

Anyone wants to talk to me on this.. I am available..

Later all.. Gary
comment by coincutter on Nov 18, 2008 6:43 PM ()
Living in Michigan where the economy is in the toilet and job prospects close to nil, I worry that if the big three go under this state will become like a third world country.
comment by busymichmom on Nov 18, 2008 6:07 PM ()
William: Hobbie is a laissez faire cat.
comment by jondude on Nov 18, 2008 4:17 PM ()
Nice try William, but the reality is, they're not buying American cars, that's the problem. Do a price check and you'll find that in general American cars are cheaper, but they still don't sell? The bottom line is sales, sales and sales. These raw numbers don't lie. The big three just aren't building what Americans want, a quality product. These three companies have been ran into the ground by incompetent management? And they want more money with no plan to change there inept strategy? That's insane. A sixth garder could have raised their hand and raised the question to GM by asking, excuse me, but if gas prices go up, won't our SUVs go into the tank? And now GM makes an insane commitment to build the Volt an all electric car with projections now showing the retail price would be over $30,000? Great plan, looks like Toyota and Honda will be selling the Prius and Insight like hot cakes while that Volt sits? The problem is simple, the country that invented the automobile has went into the ditch. What makes Toyota, Honda and Nissan successful is their commitment to quality management and their continuous improvement process. They refine their R&D process with their models and involve production workers in refining the production process. What a great idea, people building the cars the individuals that are close to the process provide input to improve it to raise productivity? Their production is aligned top to bottom (Management to worker). And hey guess what, there workers have an extraordinary higher moral then their American counter parts who crank out bad cars. The worst thing about this whole auto industry problem too, is we taught Japan TQM to help rebuild their country after World War II...they flat out have beaten us at their own game. You can't simply build an inferior product and price it cheaper then your competition. Normally, when people buy cars, they do their homework and buy the best value. Lee (Chrysler) borrowed 5 billion from the government and built the K-Cars and guess what, he paid it back way ahead of time. The big three needs to fire a lot of people before they were even offered a dime.
comment by strider333 on Nov 18, 2008 4:17 PM ()
I called my state Senators and suggested they consider reinstating the interest deduction on auto loans for a year (2009 tax year.) We'll see if that comes up for discussion? Detroit doesn't give a crap about the whole mess we're in - only their own troubles - or they would have designed and produced more low-mileage, lower cost cars a decade ago. I hope Bush vetoes any giveaway to Detroit. It will cause massive economic problems but we already have them anyway. "Change" is here already.
comment by hobbie on Nov 18, 2008 4:16 PM ()
Interesting post there.This is could be very tough for the auto industry.
Something need to be done.Hate to see this go under.Too many jobs will be
lost and this is not good.People out there with families etc.
It is going to be tough.You can feel it.
comment by fredo on Nov 18, 2008 2:46 PM ()

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