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Black Conservative Thought

Politics & Legal > Bah ! Humbug !

Bah ! Humbug !

Yes, that is how I feel, so let down after the November election, not about who won or lost, just that there is no more heated argument and "debate" over candidates, issues,right - left, wrong - right. The fun is gone, what a let down. O sure, 18 warped and wicked family members over for turkey dinner; buying presents for 35-40 ungrateful greedy relatives - not their bratty ass little kids; 20 people over for Christmas Eve dinner and dessert, and then another 10 over for Christmas Day. But it now looks like Obama is going to be another Clinton - middle of the road moderate. Too long of a time to wait for another election and the ensuing verbal differentiating.

posted on Dec 3, 2008 2:16 PM ()


You can write something now
comment by grumpy on Dec 21, 2008 9:13 PM ()
Wonderful post!! I agree it is more like GWB, McCain, and the GOP lost this election more than the democrats won it.
comment by texastar on Dec 10, 2008 6:17 PM ()
I know how you feel.
I'm encouraged to see that Change 1.0 is being replaced by Change 2.0. Definitely an upgrade as Mr. Obama is finding out that the office of president doesn't come with it's very own magic wand. The change fanatics could have gotten they wanted, but they would not have wanted what they got. Great post!
comment by jerms on Dec 10, 2008 3:49 PM ()
Those bluedog Democrats may provide some relief. I also think Mr. Obama has been getting a dose of real word. He is moving to the middle.
comment by grumpy on Dec 6, 2008 11:13 AM ()
The right word-which you used- was circus. Almost no one in the main-stream dinosaur media talked about truth, facts, or implications. To them, the good life for the ignorant voter was being fat, dumb, and happy - and vote for Obama.
comment by oldfatguy on Dec 5, 2008 2:03 PM ()
Don't worry---you think the Dems had fun with Mr. Bush? Let the games begin
comment by grumpy on Dec 5, 2008 9:46 AM ()
This is ######## strange.. Here we have a "Blogger". Black guy named "Old Fat Guy" who really wants to see the "Republicans" in office.. so he is supporting McCain"..

Here I am a white dude, and guess what? I am supporting "Obama" despite any joke I ever said. So the white dude is supporting the Black dude, and the black dude is supporting the white dude.. lol.

Now.. what it is, really is this! Fat Guy goes with his heart (which I respect) and I do too. I know I've said things (generally) about how many blacks think.. and I know he has about "whites". Fat guy, we are more alike then you think. But I think your "alright" really...

I'm so Glad, the democrats beat your ass this time.. color don't mean nuffin.. logic does...

LUV ya man! Gary
comment by coincutter on Dec 4, 2008 10:25 PM ()
(Your Quote) "Yes, that is how I feel, so let down after the November election, not about who won or lost, just that there is no more heated argument"

(My thought) I won't let you down man.. Feel FREE to argue with me anytime!
comment by coincutter on Dec 4, 2008 10:07 PM ()
I have never been more jacked up for an election than I was for this one, nor have I ever been more let down after one was over. Not just because Nobama won, but because of how hotly contested each and every strategic media circle was. And now it's over with.

I'll miss it.
comment by oombutu on Dec 4, 2008 3:51 PM ()
It was a fun election, with controversy raging on both sides. Be thankful for your family and that you will be able to share time with them. I have a small family, and I miss those big family gatherings when I was a child.
comment by redimpala on Dec 4, 2008 9:22 AM ()
Now you know how I felt the last 8 years
comment by strider333 on Dec 3, 2008 8:28 PM ()
I can see that you are in the post election blahs! ... Which extends to your relationships, Dr. B! This was a fun post to read!
comment by sunlight on Dec 3, 2008 7:02 PM ()
All said and done, it was a great time debating this election

It was the bestest "lead up" to an election I have ever seen.

Not happy with the out come, but I can live with it.
comment by angryrepublic on Dec 3, 2008 4:25 PM ()

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