S Schiada


S Schiada
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Life & Events > Jury Duty

Jury Duty

The selection process finally wrapped up near 4pm. They dismissed about 25 of us.

It was a criminal case where one man allegedly knifed and shot his brother. It involved almost 7 people.

For about 25 of us, it was a learning experience to hear the judge question prospective jurors and explain the reasons behind the questions.

Two people on the panel witnessed a murder up-close and were not able to tolerate proposed photos/slides of any graphic proportion, so they were dismissed.

One man was knifed by his mentally ill son and disgusted with the legal system b/c his son (who was 18 y/o at the time of his crime) was sentenced to 18 years in prison. He didn't think that the sentence should have been so harsh and he wasn't satisfied that his son is serving in a general correction facility instead of a mental facility. He was dismissed.

And the stories went on and on and on... ad nauseum. It was surprising to hear how many people own firearms, how many people were victims of some crime, and how many people were convicted for DUIs and other misdemeanors. Hmm. Is this hell?

posted on Sept 16, 2008 11:17 PM ()


Is this hell? No, it's California.
comment by looserobes on Sept 17, 2008 11:41 AM ()
I've never been called for jury duty, but I've heard horror stories about the boredom. This is one aspect of my life where I don't mind being ignore!
comment by hayduke on Sept 17, 2008 9:51 AM ()
they called me for jury duty once. It was a traffic accident. I got a good eye ball view of how the justice system works. The plaintiffs (white bid'ness people) were suing the defendent(a black man and his disabled daughter) for some sort of colision. The plaintiff's attorney was middle aged, tall, hansome and distinguished looking; a guy who looked like he'd been carved out of cream cheese and fairly screamed "sucessful law firm". The defendent's attorney was an elderly, short, twitchy little man who looked like he practiced law out of the trunk of his car. There were about 50 of us in the jury pool and they called the first twelve up and asked them questions i.e. "have you ever been in a accident", "have you had legal bid'ness with either of the representing attorneys?" and so on. They were apparently satisfied with the first twelve potential jurors 'cause they dismissed the rest of us. Well, at least I got the day off from work with pay.

yer never did learn how it turned out but I can just imagine pal
comment by honeybugg on Sept 17, 2008 6:43 AM ()

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