We had a good surprise yesterday. It rained twice. And the showers were pretty hard. My poor lawn needed it. I have been trying to keep things green, but it is a chore.
A friend came and brought Chick Fila for lunch and stayed for a good visit. We enjoyed her very much. When two old ladies live alone, things get pretty lonely at times. All our dogs don't take the place of friends.
My Annie dog woke me up at 6 a.m. today and wanted to go outside. So, I just stayed up. My other dog acted mad and stayed in bed. Ha!!
Bought a pair of shoes the other day, and walked off and left them, so today, I will try to go and retrieve my purchase. That was a senior moment!! I did get home with the wheel chair for my sister though. The shoes are the kind nurses wear and looked so comfortable, that I had to have a pair.
Today is my oldest son's wife's birthday. I can remember hers because it is on Flag Day . Should put out my flag, but it seems to be too much trouble. Must be getting old.
Have a good week-end all you friends. Nena