I have a plan for sometime in the near future,
for something that's way over due.
I think I'll go off by myself all alone
and think of some things anew.
I will sit on the deck with sweetened iced tea
and maybe a piece of cake.
I will sit and think and bring back to mind
all the decisions I've had to make.
I'm tired of trying to do all that's required of me
as I go from day to day,
So maybe I'll plan and set aside time
and dream of the future far away.
No more hurry, no hustle and bustle
as I wake early each morn.
Just time for myself to be alone
and not be weary and worn.
But for now I guess it has to be like it is
with too much on my plate.
But I know it will come, that time of my own
if I'm only patient and can wait.
Mz Scarlett...quite tired mentally, physically and pretty much everywhere else. I shall worry about that tomorrow, for after all...tomorrow's another day!