Scarlett O'Dawg


Scarlett O'Dawg
Chattanooga, TN
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Going With The Wind

Life & Events > A Play Review ... Totally Biased!

A Play Review ... Totally Biased!

It was off Broadway. Pretty far off to be truthful. It was on a small stage at a private school in Chattanooga.  The story was an old one that has been told many times over. It has been a movie, a play, a Disney production and several TV specials.  However this one was just a little extra special. Two of the actors are very special!
After two weeks of Music/Drama camp the kids were pumped and ready.  Every line was memorized, every song tuned to perfection.  The costumes were chosen carefully and the props were just as they should be.  This was it! At two o'clock in the afternoon of Friday, July 10...they were going to perform "Cinderella"!
The lights dimmed.  A voice announced to turn off all cell phone, pagers, watches that made noises and if you had a small car in the auditorium...please turn off the engine!  That same voice then announced, "Ladies and gentlemen we proudly present CCS students of music and drama in their play, Cinderella."  No adults were in sight. No one stood off stage to cue the missed lines or forgotten song lyrics.  Just the cast of excited kids waiting to show their stuff. And not one line was missed, not one lyric was off key!
The curtain parted and the show began! I won't bore you with each know the story.  As parents and grandparents we only knew our children were in a play, the part they were chosen to play and that is all. It was to be a surprise performance.
Middle grandgirl was old enough this year to go to the camp and perform in the play.  Last year she sat by my side and knew every line and sang every song.(The play was "101 Dalmations".) She also was angry that she was not old enough to participate. Now, here was her time to shine!  She was given the part of Suzy the Mouse and she played it to the max! A cuter little mouse you'll never see.  She put her entire self into the acting, singing and dancing.  My head swelled just a little until I though it would surely pop!
Then came the moment I was not prepared to see.  Oldest grandgirl who is 12 was chosen for the part of the Fairy Godmother.  At the given time bubbles filled the stage as poor Cinderella lay on the floor crying because of the cruel treatment she received at the hands of her step-mother and step-sisters. She was in dispair. Out from the opening of the chimney amid a flurry of bubbles came the most amazing sight. A beautiful young woman dressed in a white formal gown with acres and acres of satin and tulle skirt flowing gently around her legs.  She carried a wand and spun ever so slightly as she approached Cinderella.  Then the song.  She opened her mouth and the angels had to step aside.  She sang "Dreams Do Come True" as she gently lifted Cinderella's hand and gave her the hope that seemed to be crushed in her heart.  The audience clapped wildly.  I cried.  My heart was so full of pride and joy and happiness that it overflowed from my eyes.  Such a performance!  If possible, I like to think my daughter was watching from above and clapping wildly and gathering all who were close by to come, look down on Earth at her daughters as they performed so elegantly and with such confidence.  They don't know it, but that was their Mom's tallent, too!  It was as though I was transported back in time and my own daughter was singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" as her own school chorus performed their version of "Wizard of Oz".
Their step other Mom sat beside me and the tears of pride and joy also ran down her cheeks.  These girls now call her "Mommy" and she is providing such love and devotion and care and everything good in their lives.  She and their Daddy are making sure they have the exposure to every aspect of the arts as well as every day life.  They are such well grounded girls...and I have Amy and Steven to thank for that!
Yes, my girls have a "stepmother".  Oh not a cruel one who treats them with anger and hatefulness. No...Amy treats them as though they grew in her own womb instead of in her heart.  They also have a little "half-sister" who is just one year old.  I have three grand girls and I love them all the same.  I have Amy...a daughter I didn't have to birth, but love with all my heart. I have Steven...a son who was born into our family when he married my daughter.  He has chosen to continue to be my son and for that I am eternally grateful.
Like the story of Cinderella...I hope they all live happily everafter!  My children and all three of my grandgirls.  In their castle which is just a few miles away from me and who are always just a phone call away.
Life is good when you attend a play on a Friday afternoon in beautiful downtown Chattanooga and discover your dreams do come true.
By the way, Hubby presented each girl with a dozen roses tied with sparkling ribbon and tried to keep his eyes dry!
Mz Scarlett...with the songs still stuck in my head and the lump still in my throat!

posted on July 12, 2009 12:00 PM ()

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