Monday, October 5, is a special day for two special people. One I have known for about 15 years. One I have known all my life.
Happy Birthday Jan! You are my friend. You are my co-worker. If I ever end up on the other end of the ER and look up and see you standing over me...I'll know I'm in the best hands. You are an awesome nurse and a great friend. I hope you have a wonderful birthday that is as special as you are. I'm glad you included me in your guest list for your wedding. I'm glad you included me in your life.
Happy Birthday Hubby! My life began when I met you. That is why I can say I have known you all my life. You complete me. You make the storms bearable. You pick me up when I'm down and you pull me in when I'm about to be blown away. I cannot imagine one day without you by my side. Thanks for loving me...warts and all. You know what I look like without make up and still tell me I'm beautiful. You have seen me with bad hair days and still love to run your fingers through it even though you don't remember the original color. We have had the sickness and health, poverty and wealth and all that other stuff we promised all those years ago.
Happy Birthday to the man who knows me better than anyone else on Earth...yet still loves me. He is truly in line for sainthood.
I'm thanful to have you here. Viet Nam didn't take you away from me. Cancer couldn't take you away from me. All the things that some marriages couldn't survive kept us strong.
Now blow out the candles...the fire truck is screaming down the street!
Mz Scarlett...thankful for another October 5!