I'm no carpenter by any stretch of the imagination. I started to put up some blinds on my living room window and found out that a job that (according to the box) should take 15 minutes in fact takes a couple of hours. Never mind that the blinds were 72 inches wide and I do not have that much of an arm span! Plus I had to use Hubby's new power tool without his supervision. (Yes, I read the instructions and didn't put a screw through my hand!!)
Anyway...back to the wall. Hubby and I built a lovely rock wall as a border for a flower garden. We moved a ton of rocks. Yep a ton. We did it by moving and placing one rock at a time. When we were finished, we could see the fruits of our labor and were rewarded by it keeping the soil from washing away from the plants. Plus, it just looked great!
I have been building a wall around myself for the past few years. Troubles and trials would come blasting toward me and I would just add another brick. The mortar would be the thoughts and prayers and concerns of people who care about me. I found out and was amazed by the number of folks who contributed toward my wall! Just when a crack would appear, so would some more mortar or another brick.
Like the roses and begonias and lillies that bloom inside the rock wall of my garden, I want to shine and bloom inside my own wall. I want the storms to find my wall sturdy and strong and worthy of the blasts that come my way.
I want my roots to be so well grounded that even when the wind howls and pulls at my branches...I will remain strong and steadfast.
I want to be an example for other people who are building walls or who need to start a wall of their own. One brick at a time. One dab of mortar that holds that brick to another.
Be consistant. Or as my Hubby calls it, 'bullheaded'!. He is my main brick!
Some of you know of my storms, others just know I'm facing some crappy times. Details aren't important...just keep those bricks coming my way.....I will never take it for granted that you have a part in my wall.
Mz Scarlett "...after all, tomorrow is another day!"