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One Messed Up Life

Travel > Florida- (Happy to Be Home at Last!)

Florida- (Happy to Be Home at Last!)

My first vacation with the kids was definitely a experience that I wish went better than it did.
In my eyes: It was a disaster - 1st of all we stayed at my daughters grandparents house - that was a huge mistake! I knew that it was a mistake before I even  went - I just didn't think it was going to be as bad as it was. It all started before we even left- she kept calling the kids and promising all kinds of things - which I completely understand that she had great intentions but she took it way too  far. I told her father to get on the phone with his mother and STOP her ASAP - which he never did. So my kids both thought they were going to - "swim with dolphins, Disney, Universal, Sea World , eat with Cinderella".  Now I think I mentioned that this vacation was NOT planned in advance and I did not have much money to bring down there. So before we even left I knew it was going to be rough when she called five times asking me how much money I was bringing - bad sign! We get there and she didn't even have $1.00 to her name and again asked me how much I brought! Oh was I very mad - to say the least. I kept my mouth shut, for the first few days!  It was great going on the boat and driving around all day! That was actually my favorite part and the kids loved looking at the birds and alligators - and that cost about $80.00 a day in gas! Then comes us trying to plan to get to Disney - that was the rough spot! Everyday she would say she was waiting for a check! And the kids were getting a little bit upset , but they were fine with just being in Florida.  In the mean time my son's father came down to Orlando and was going to take the kids to the different parks for a few days and that made "grandma", upset and she wouldn't let my daughter go! Yes she is "MY" daughter but there was nothing I could do- that is a whole book of writing to explain!
 In preparing my son to go with his father for a few days, we had to do his homework that he fell behind in. Thats were I almost lost my mind! He was so far behind in his homework that I was trying to help him by reading aloud a chapter in his social studies book so he could take notes. I do understand that this is wrong of me and I never had done this before. So as I was sitting there reading to him - grandma says to my daughter "don't worry your the smart one he is the dumb one, he will end up a looser on the street - he is spoiled and gets whatever he wants!" I am serious- I had to keep my cool in front of my kids! I walked out and walked down the road!  Thats just one situation and I just can't explain all that happened! It was awful and I will NEVER do that again!
Needless to say my son went to Universal Studio's and had a great time! I ended up being able to manage to borrow enough money to get Kassidy to Disney on the same day!
We never ended up "eating with Cinderella - or going to Sea World , swimming with the dolphins, going to Bush gardens"!  But in the kids eyes - they had a great time! I was able to hide my disappointment and my anger and put a smile on my face! Which turned to tears when they were not looking!
I could go on and on about this trip - but I am writing this to get it off my chest and forget about it! I will save money this year and do it right next year! I am already talking to someone else who wants to go with us who will go halves on a hotel!
I learned a good lesson! The kids made it to Florida, and I made it home!!!!!!!! I got a tan and the kids are happy they went so thats what matters the most when I really sit here and think about it!

posted on May 20, 2008 3:53 AM ()


I don't know how you bit your tongue with her. A bad experience this time will make for a terrific trip the next time. You'll have time to save up the money, you'll do things your way and all will be well. I'm happy the kids made it to Florida and that you all made it back home!!!
comment by dakmom on May 20, 2008 6:02 AM ()
Oh Gosh, I wish it had gone better for you. I applaud your good attitude in front of your kids. It's so hard to be hurting in front of them... you just want to protect them from unhappiness.
comment by shesaidwhat on May 20, 2008 5:30 AM ()

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