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One Messed Up Life

Life & Events > Ahhh Just Another Thing Wrong!

Ahhh Just Another Thing Wrong!

I am seeing red right now! I can not believe this - how does that saying go "It comes in Threes"? Well I just hit #3
#1 My vacation
#2 My cell phone broke - I can only receive incoming phone calls
#3 My van just broke down! AHHHHH I dropped off my daughter at a cookout because I had to go pick up a friend from a class and I was going to return for the cookout and fireworks. Pull out of the driveway and the van felt funny, like it was hesitating. I turned off the radio, only to realize the truck was NOT shifting! I drove it to a gas station and the man - who was so kind - looked at the fluid- it was fine just a little low - so he added some transmission fluid in for me and didn't charge me! How nice was that, I am going to look up that gas stations number and call them to thank them in a few minutes. Well anyway I had to drive 20-30 miles an hour down the road - picked up my friend and drive 20 more miles home! The piece off poop would only drive 20-30 and I had to take the highway! I was scared to say the least! I made it back into town and dropped off my friend and as I was pulling out of her driveway - I didn't even have 2nd gear, so I had to drive it home in 1st gear!
I just don't have any luck with vehicles! I am done and I will not bother even trying to get another one! Why to have to put gas in it and for it to break down! I throw my hands up!

posted on May 24, 2008 12:28 PM ()


I'm going to tell you what my Mother always always says to me when I "think" I have bad news. And I know you're going through a rough time right now. I've been there, but my Mom would say:

"Nobody died today"

Hope that helps a lil'
comment by shesaidwhat on May 28, 2008 1:18 PM ()
(((Hugs))) I know exactly how you feel, I've had the same kinda day
comment by lynnie on May 24, 2008 12:48 PM ()

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