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One Messed Up Life

Money & Finance > Feeling Blue

Feeling Blue

I wasn't so upset about my vehicle breaking down - that was until tonight. I really don't mind anything regarding the van - all but that I have my son every other day. And my ex- husband lives three towns away -(fifteen minutes) not bad but now that I don't have a car I can not him to school in the mornings. So I am unable to go get him and drop him off to school in the morning - and I missed a baseball game tonight.
This is why I have been looking for a place to live in the same town as my ex - it would be easier for me because of the rising gas prices. I as of yet have not found a place - I actually have a lease here until November but I would break it for my son. This way he could catch the bus and or walk over everyday. It is a weird arrangement but it works for us and our son is very happy about it - he is able to be with each of us during the week and he doesn't have to wait every other week to see his dad. And I would not want that either for him. It does end up costing me alot in gas - and eventually I will be in that town - so these things won't affect him.
I feel like such a awful person right now - there have been times when I didn't have gas but this is different. I can not go a few days without seeing my little man - he is why I breathe.  There isn't anything I can do tonight and I am only getting upset - so I will go rest!

posted on June 4, 2008 4:19 PM ()


So sorry sweetheart... I know how you feel. I share custody of my two youngest kids with their Dad(the oldest has her own apt now) He moved 23 miles away from me and he and I both do a lot of driving to get the kids where they need to be. My kids go to school in their Dad's district so I have a lot of driving to do during the school year. It's not the best situation, but it's such a long story... I won't bore you with it. I make it work for my kids. They actually don't want me to move from this house they have grown up in... (they're kinda mad at their Dad and his evil wife for moving them out there... my ex used to live a few blocks from me, but his evil wife obviously couldn't handle him being so close to me... sigh...)
comment by shesaidwhat on June 5, 2008 6:08 AM ()

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