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One Messed Up Life

Life & Events > Relationships > Family Feud

Family Feud

I can feel a family feud coming! This upcoming week I am not looking for ward to at all! I am not sure actually what I should do -
1st my feelings -  I really don't care for my daughters grandmother. The way she speaks to my kids makes me want to jump out of my seat- its really hard to explain- she lectures my children and I as a adult can not even follow along with her. She goes on and on about things that don't make sense. She is all about making sure she says that everyone is equal in this family- but in the other other breath she says little things like - "I can't wait to have my real grandchildren together". Meaning that my son is not truly her grandchild - and she makes it known. She is cruel to him, and I as a mother cannot sit back and take it anymore, it hurts! 
She always puts down others- when everyone on this earth is equal! She doesn't like others who are better off than her or her children, and I am sorry to say that we all struggle financially. It upsets her that my sons father is "well" off and has a good head on his shoulders and is able to do so much, while her sons struggle. Don't we all wish for more money, but god has his own plan for each of us.  Money just doesn't buy happiness - don't get me wrong it would be nice to have extra money - but happiness to me is priceless!
Her and I just have never seen eye to eye. All her sons faults and mistakes are blamed on me instead of him. Her son can do no wrong - and I guess I see her point - my son in my eyes is perfect but he is also only 12 years old. She has never had to work, she has been with "grandpa" since she was 12 years old. Now that he is unable to work due too sickness things are much different for her and she really don't like that change. She raised her boy's to think that if they work and get a paycheck that money should remain with them because they earned it - that means basically "Don't pay bills or take care of your family". Well the boys are men now and need to act like it now!
Bottom line is that I am tired of always being the bad person- I am tired of always "carrying" my family financially on my back. I am tired of always being blamed for all that is wrong in this family. She doesn't  like me and has made it well known to everyone. I wouldn't go that far in saying that - I am just really tired of it all. We just are two different people - thats it.
Now the problem is my children. They are the innocent ones that I don't want hurt them - I am suppose to protect them from pain. So am I suppose to not let her see them - that would be ideal for me but not for them. Even if in my mind I really believe they are better off staying far far away from this women- its not in their best interests to be forced away.
This has gone on for far too long and I just want it to end. I have asked my daughters father to talk to her, and I hope he does!

posted on May 22, 2008 3:17 PM ()


I wish I could be optinistic and say there's a chance of change in her, but I believe she's not going to...the change may have to come from you and how to best deal with it abd there's no real good options it appears. Maybe the best thing is to keep interations at an absolute miminum...best of luck...
comment by strider333 on May 22, 2008 9:11 PM ()
Have you ever seen "Throw Mamma from the train?" A bus, a bridge, a mack truck and a lil' shove could solve all your problems.

Seriously, I am sorry you have to deal with this MIL. She sounds like a bitter, unfulfilled, unhappy soul. Do your children find some shred of happiness within her midst? If so, children learn the script of each relationship. Life is not perfect. Hopefully you can help them understand that grandma is not perfect and she may be hurtful at times, but she's got her own pain of some sort and you have to look for the good in her (hard as that may be) MIL is obviously unsure of herself in this world and appears to be one of those sad folks who feels to need to pull others down in the hopes they may rise.

Better to deal with her than be her, right??
comment by shesaidwhat on May 22, 2008 4:19 PM ()
She sounds like my M-I-L. Do what I never had the guts to do and tell her off.
comment by nittineedles on May 22, 2008 3:29 PM ()

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