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One Messed Up Life

Life & Events > Boring > I Moment to Think

I Moment to Think

Time - so true - it is time to just accept and move on and forgive / forget - time waits for no one. Today is here - yesterday is just gone - no changing what was said and done - just room for change or improvement.
I am so trying to get over my little "hump" - this is why I started to come here and write. I try daily NOT to hurt others and forgive myself for all the mistakes I have made , but at times it is just so difficult. I want to do what is right and I want to be a better person and a wonderful mother. Am I trying too hard or not hard enough? I always seem to either give the wrong impression or say something the wrong way. For years I have gone down a path and turned around because it was just the wrong way - is there a right path out there for me - I guess only time will tell.
I want only whats best for my family - even if what I have already chosen wasn't right. I have made so many errors - why is it easier to forgive others rather than forgiving ones self.
I try so hard not to hurt anyone - but end up causing pain. I shake my head and always wonder "what did I do wrong". I see my errors I did in my past - and I can except them. Its today that I am having a down day , and what do I think about- "The PAST".  All I can say is that my children are my true future!

posted on June 4, 2008 4:22 PM ()


You're in a rough situation right now. Times are hard and money is important when you don't have any. I'm so sorry. Please hang in there and try to find a little joy. I'm confident things will move in a positive direction soon. Don't be down on yourself. We do the best we can with what we're given at the time.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 5, 2008 6:11 AM ()
I tend to isolate myself also to avoid the pain and disappointment that people can sometimes cause. However, I really believe that we must continue to try to make a difference in some way. Don't worry so much and just "be."
comment by angiedw on June 5, 2008 4:45 AM ()
There are so many cruel people in the world anymore. The more I try to help people the more nitpicking they do. It is discouraging. I have decided to be a hermit.
comment by redimpala on June 4, 2008 4:31 PM ()

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