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One Messed Up Life

Entertainment > Fireworks Rock 101 Fest

Fireworks Rock 101 Fest

Well at least we made it to the Rock 101 Fest! It is a wonderful time down on the river in Manchester - where the kids can play games and buy silly little items and there are live bands until the fireworks begin @9:30 pm.
It was a beautiful day - nice and warm! We walked around and played games and ate fried dough-french fries and ice cream. I myself like to just watch people- yes I am a people watcher. It really amazes me that people allow there young children to walk out of their homes wearing the clothes that they wear. I guess that I can say that now because my children are still too young to go off on their own and change at a friends house or whatever else they do. It makes me want to hold on tight to my babies!
The kids had a good day - they got spoiled yet again! Kassidy got a stuffed dog that she HAD to have and after me paying for it she didn't want it. Thats always the way with her and the vender's wouldn't exchange the $15.00 dog so I ended up buying her a $15.00 silly pink hat- which she loved! Dylan just wanted food and drinks and treats- he is just like me , he had to point out the funny people dancing! Not literally point - just watching and laughing. I tried to get the kids up and dance and that just didn't happen!
Fireworks were absolutely amazing , we had wonderful seats - right on the bridge where they light them off. I have always really enjoyed the sky show there - it is wonderful! Kids ended up being completely exhausted by he time we got home!
The van never made it! It is broken for good- no more miracles there! Oh well....

posted on May 31, 2008 5:14 PM ()


Sounds like a great time....and like you, I wonder so often what some parents are thinking......but then again, maybe the kids are going to their friends' house to change. But, most of the time, they DO walk out of their own house that way. Big (SIGH!)
comment by dakmom on June 2, 2008 6:58 AM ()
Hey your font got bigger, Thanks.
Hope you guys are having a nice weekend.
comment by shesaidwhat on May 31, 2008 5:25 PM ()

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