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Entertainment > Humor > Raped by a Female Stripper: Tale of a Moron

Raped by a Female Stripper: Tale of a Moron

So here is my short but sweet commentary:

What did he think was going to happen when he lubed up his
hiney and got on his hands and knees in front of a woman with a strap on?(yeah he got mybloggers hehehehe)



Elissa Hunt

September 10, 2008 12:00am

A STRIPPER accused of
raping the best man at a buck's party denies doing anything wrong.

Linda Maree Naggs, who performs as "Tiffany", pleaded not guilty
to sexually penetrating the man with a sex toy at the party on the Mornington Peninsula last year.
Melbourne Magistrates' Court heard claims drugs were rife at the party and
the crowd was aggressive and drug-affected.
As another stripper left the party she warned Ms Naggs and her minder the
men were "nasty, arrogant pigs", the court heard.
The group of about 30 men had gathered to cheer and watch her routine when
the best man was called on to join in.
He ended up shirtless and on all fours, with a naked Ms Naggs riding him
like a horse and his pants partly pulled down.
Ms Naggs then poured lotion over him and stood behind him using a thrusting
motion while wearing a strap-on appendage.
He told police in his statement that he warned her not to penetrate him and
she replied, "Relax, it's only fun, I won't go there".
"I then felt a sharp pain and a thrust," he said. "I was
shocked. I then heard her say close in my ear 'Don't worry, only you and I
He stood up and pushed her away and an altercation followed in which Ms
Naggs threw a punch, he said.
The best man, described in court as "very conservative", told
police he felt violated after the strip show.
Ms Naggs told police it was a trick of the show to pretend something was
going to happen.
She had explained to the best man during the routine that it was just a joke
and she was "not going to go there". He pushed back on to her,
knocked her over and then became very agitated, she said.
She said she apologised if he was hurt but was adamant she did not do
Ms Naggs said the best man later hit her in the back of the head and took
his money back.
Her minder, Cheryl Buckley, said she had seen the routine and
"trick" performed 30 or more times without incident.
This time it seemed the best man had panicked and pushed backwards, Ms
Buckley said.
She said the best man was screaming and yelling after the incident, waving a
piece of toilet paper with a speck of blood "the size of a grain of
She said she was offered cocaine and speedballs soon after arriving but
Guests denied they were using drugs or had seen any at the party.
Defence lawyer Geoff Steward said the alleged penetration lasted just one
second and no jury could convict her of rape.
Magistrate Elizabeth Lambden said there was evidence the alleged victim had
told Ms Naggs what he was prepared to agree to as part of the act and, while
there were inconsistencies in witness accounts, there was enough evidence to
send the case to a jury.
Ms Naggs, 39, was ordered to face the County Court next month

his pathetic tale of butt rape here

posted on Sept 10, 2008 10:48 AM ()


I don't know what he expected!!! Look Pal, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck . . . !!!
comment by hayduke on Sept 16, 2008 10:08 AM ()
bet he won't do that again
comment by grumpy on Sept 11, 2008 10:05 PM ()
Just think, what if it had been the groom?
comment by elderjane on Sept 11, 2008 7:08 AM ()
I think he got just what he deserved.
comment by redimpala on Sept 10, 2008 7:05 PM ()
As the old saying goes, "bend over and take it like a man". This guy has got to be a jerk, for more reasons than one.
comment by jjoohhnn on Sept 10, 2008 5:33 PM ()
comment by teacherwoman on Sept 10, 2008 1:13 PM ()
I will be quiet on this.
comment by fredo on Sept 10, 2008 12:44 PM ()
Good grief the guys a tool...
comment by elfie33 on Sept 10, 2008 11:33 AM ()
serves him right I say!
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 10, 2008 11:30 AM ()
What dude would let anyone near his pooper with a schlong (real or fake.)If he's so concerned he should have a tattoo near it that says "Do Not Enter."
comment by draco on Sept 10, 2008 11:11 AM ()

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