Deb at Postcards on the Edge did this sometime last week on her blog and I decided to pass it on to you all! .
Here is your mission if you choose to accept it.
You have to list 10 of your favorite things, but they have to start with a certain letter (assigned to you by the blog owner). IÂ will start with the letter "P". If you want to play along, comment and let me know! I'll assign you a letter! I pity the fool who gets "X".
1. Pajamas - and the reason I picked "P" for myself :) Pajamas are my favorite thing to wear EVER. I am usually half undressed before I get to my door after work and grabbing the PJ's. If I could wear them 24/7 I would. Should have been a nurse I guess.
2. Purple - my favorite color. Right now, I just did my bedroom in a nice plum color (also a "P") and mixed it up with avocado. It looks so good together and makes the room feel and look warm and soft.
3. Phucket - Okay so it's pronounced "Fookette" but it still starts with a "P" and it's my favorite place in the world. Also from there you can take a boat to "Pei Pei" which is stunning (and starts with a P too). Here is a pic of Pei Pei I took in 2005 (kinda small pic sorry). Right after the Tsunami wiped most of it out. Thailand was very quick at cleaning up after that disaster. Â

4. President - I try VERY hard not to ever talk about politics or religion because I have learned that those 2 topics are always things people will argue about and get their panties in a wad over if others don't agree with their beliefs. But I must say that I was THANKING THE LORD that OBAMA WON!!!! Oh and did I mention that I am an atheist. ha ha
5. Psychic - I don't know if I have mentioned my weird abilities on this subject. It started as a teen when I would have dreams identical to my mother's that would come true. Then recently I bought some tarot cards and can read them but only when I am drinking. (something to do with being in an altered state?) Some days I am very good and have people who say I was spot on. But strange thing is _ when I am done with a reading, the memory of what I just told them is pretty much gone. I seldom remember a reading.Â
6. Pubic Hair - I just couldn't resist. I remember as a child going to the pool with my Mother who for some reason would shave her legs, underarms, and thighs but leave the bikini area!! You could totally SEE her pubes pushing out of her suit. Talk about mortifying. Sheesh. Women!! If you are one of these women, please do us all a favor and either 1 - buy a razor (or weedeater) and clean up or 2 - DONT GO SWIMMING.  gross.....
7. Patty Griffin - One of my favorite singers.  If you haven't heard her I would suggest the song "Rain".  Her voice just puts you in one of those relaxed moods. Â
8. Pizza - I thought I should put some kind of food on here and I'm not a big fan of pickles so pizza wins. I have been craving pizza for a few weeks so I guess I should just order one so those pizza hut commercials will stop making me drool.
9. Perfume - I have been OUT for a month! I don't know what it is but I feel naked without it. Kinda like if you forget to put your deodorant on? But thankfully, I have a bottle of Ralph Lauren Blue on order from I always buy online so I don't have to go to the Mall which I believe is about as much fun as a trip to the dentist. Oh and the other perfume I use is Pleasures.Â
10. Piper Pub - Where I am going tonight for a beer with a friend. I have been cooped up in my house since Saturday and I have some raging cabin fever. If I have to sit home one more night things may get ugly.
Okay so that is my 10. You notice that I stayed far away from words like "pussy" and "porn" but honestly I am not into porn and pussy gets Eddies' panties in a ruffle. (One of my post didn't make it to the newest articles screen cause it had pussy in the title)
Now it's your turn. If you want a letter, just leave a comment and I will assign you one.Â