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Life & Events > Sleeping Better

Sleeping Better

Over the last week or so I've found myself lying awake in bed for hours fretting over the STUPIDEST stuff. Ugh. I've been driving myself crazy!

I won't bore you with the details, but basically my list of remaining to-dos just keeps circling through my mind again and again and again. I wish I could spit it out like a stale piece of gum, and just be done with it. I get sick of listening to myself pour over every little thing... and yet they continue to keep me awake like a monotonous car alarm.

I've tried breathing exercises, but I find that I only exhale to the rhythm of RSVPs, maps, suitcases, and jet lag.

So, Monday morning I decided to put an end to all of this nonsense. I set some serious time aside to just sit down and meditate. I centered myself and then went over the first leg of our trip, excited for every second of our adventure. I let go of my worries about how we'll get here or there. After all, every corner we turn will be a new and wonderful experience. It's going to be such a whirlwind tour, I should stop worrying about what we might miss seeing, and just focus on what we will see -- because really, that's all that matters. This is our adventure to create as we feel... moment by moment, not monument by monument.

I felt good, really good. Better than I've felt in a while, just by allowing myself to let go...

Then I headed out to the mall for some retail therapy -- which was really just checking off a bunch of things from the never-ending to-do list. I hate to refer to shopping as a stress reliver, because I've never been one of those shop 'til you drop kind of girls, who thinks that buying stuff makes life better... but in my case, it was stuff that we do need. And so as I walked through the mall all afternoon, with each purchase, it was like I was lightening a little bit of my stress, as I lightened my wallet.

I started by picking up my "something old" necklace from the jewlery shop. J's grandfather gave it to his grandma and she passed it along to me... but then the clasp broke. While I was at the jewlery store, I bought J his wedding gift, a nice watch. Actually, the one watch that I thought J would love ended up being 50% off --YAY me!

Afterwards, I picked up a Western Europe phrase book that covers all the counties we'll be travelling to. I grabbed some melatonin to ease the jetlag. I bought some nice dress shoes (on sale!) to go with my wedding dress. Then some decent walking shoes that will actually look fine with a skirt instead of my bright white gym shoes. (Although I'm considering returning them, because how bad do I *really* need them? Do I need to wear a skirt on our trip. Pants should be fine...)

I really think that between meditating that morning and hacking my to-do list down to a manageable size that afternoon left me feeling virtually stress free.

Then yesterday J n' I had a few solid breakthroughs on our script, which lifted my spirits even higher. After working on the script, we went out and got our travel insurance... only $46 covers both of us for up to 5 million dollars coverage each. J n' I nearly fell off our chairs -- 5 million dollars? Holy crap! What would have to happen to someone that they'd need *that* much coverage?! I tried to imagine the possibilities but couldn't. Maybe if one of us has to stay in the hospital for 5 years, and they couldn't ship us back to Canada? Jeez...

The lady at the insurance company also told us that our current apartment insurance will cover the cost of any lost or stolen items. Cool. If I wasn't feeling relaxed before, I sure was by now!

Finally, the icing on the relaxation cake, I chatted with one of my best friends from back home last night. She'll be touring around Europe around the same time with another friend of mine. We are making plans to meet up for a picnic in Paris... of course, we read that there's a lot of dog poop in Paris, so I'm sure the reality won't be half as romantic as we envision it. Ha.

Anyhow, normally Heather plans every detail to death (like I find I've been doing for our trip.) However, for her month-long trip, she is flying by the seat of her pants. She's not booking anything in advance, except her hostel in Paris so we can be sure to hook up... She said, "I totally feel like I'm pulling a Melodie for this trip." Which made me laugh, because for our trip, I'm totally pulling a Heather. Sheesh, I even did a practice pack the other night... one of Heather's habits before any journey.

Talking with Heather, and realizing that I really am over-thinking things - which is so not like me - made me go from relaxed to just a pile of jello. I've been wound so tight these last few weeks (months?), it feels good to just let go, trust that everything is going to be fine - in fact, it'll be better than fine, it will be AMAZING - and simply enjoy the ride.

I slept like a baby last night.

posted on Aug 27, 2008 10:24 AM ()


“moment by moment, not monument by monument”…Exactly. Plus whatever you miss you might catch on yer ten or twenty or fifty yr anni…

…I can hear yer now...Hey JHoney do you remember picnicking amongst the poop in gay Paree on our weddingmoon -- You’d think they wouldn’t put up with the likes, being the French and all.

For the laidback bugger I appear to be on the outside I can be a constant detail goer-overer on the inside. But I too have learnt to go the Doris Day Way--kay serah seraah.
comment by dazeymae on Aug 27, 2008 5:49 PM ()
I do the same thing - think endlessly about things I need to get done the next day, and can't fall asleep because of it. And stupid things. Like I need to shower in the morning. I've tried writing things down, but it doesn't help.
comment by imaginaryfriend on Aug 27, 2008 5:16 PM ()
Hey kid! You've got SO MUCH going on in your life right now with the wedding and the career switch (even if the switch is temporary)!!!! It is little wonder that your brain is having a hard time processing it all.
Meditation is a good thing. For me, it slows me down, and helps to alleviate "The Great What-Ifs".
I'm glad it helped to settle things down a bit for you. Relax and enjoy yourself! This is your wedding, for crying out loud! Don't let this WONDERFUL, EXCITING time slip away without enjoying it to the fullest!
You've got yourself a wonderful man, and he's got a wonderful woman. You love each other. Together, you have the strength and love and courage to face whatever this world throws at you!
And when you come back from your honeymoon, have fun with your new career, and enjoy dreaming wonderful dreams!
I mean it! Don't waste one single second worrying about what might happen or what could have been. All we ever really have is right now.
As for making plans...make your plans, but don't be disappointed if the future holds something different that you think. Remember what the great John Lennon once wrote, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
comment by hayduke on Aug 27, 2008 3:19 PM ()
Well... you do have TONS of things go on, but seriously your decision to "let go" is probably your best defense. It's part of the roller coaster of life, right?
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 27, 2008 3:09 PM ()
awesome! How long are you going to be in Europe? I am glad you finally got some things out of the way so you could relax... YAY!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 27, 2008 11:38 AM ()
Good. I was going to say you should take that Melatonin now.
comment by meranda on Aug 27, 2008 10:46 AM ()
Good for you! You are doing exactly what you should be doing---enjoying this wonderful marriage and trip!
comment by angiedw on Aug 27, 2008 10:29 AM ()

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