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Entertainment > Movies > Writercoaster


So the other day after watching the movie trailer that has a few similar plot points as our script, we contacted the main producer we've been speaking with to get her perspective. She was floored and agreed that we would absolutely have to change certain aspects of our script to avoid comparison with this big Hollywood film.

For the most part, J n' I are ready to comply; however, J is *really* hanging on to our time capsule scene, and has been investing all his time and energy into rationalizing why we should keep it. Meanwhile on the other hand, I've been giving it a lot of thought on how we can differentiate our story better, while improving it. I suggested a couple alternatives that eliminate the time capsule, but really pull the story together better. Actually, they were suggestions I had made before we discovered this trailer, but J was never willing to consider them. Well, the truth is, he still isn't completely willing... but at least now I have an edge, so I've started workin' on him again. ;)

Y'see, when J falls in love with an idea or a scene, he always has a *very* hard time letting go... This is one of the main issues that often arises when two writers work together -- a great deal of time is spent discussing, convincing, and debating. Fortunately we work well together, because it's easy to see how a debate could escalate into a full blown arguement if either of us didn't have the same mutual respect for one another's opinions, or if one of us had a quick temper - or worse yet, if we both had quick tempers. Sheesh... we'd never get anything done!

Anyhow, as I said before, I knew there had to be a reason why this trailer revealed itself to us at this point in time. After all, only a week ago we were about 90% happy with our outline and ready to soon jump into writing again. If we were already in the thick of writing when we discovered this trailer, imagine how disappointing THAT would have been! We would've wasted all that time only to return back to the drawing board. Instead, this trailer has given us a timely push in a better direction, as we've been coming up with new scenes that really tie things together and make the story much stronger than ever before. I'm so excited for its potential.... if only I could convince J of just one or two more things! ;)

Our only lingering worry was if this other movie had a similar underlying twist or theme as ours... because like I said in my earlier post, that would really suck big time! Unfortunately, we can't find any spoilers online, and so figured that we'd have to wait until March 2009 when the film finally comes to theaters. Blegh.

At least, that's what we thought until last night! Somehow our interested producer got her hands on a copy of the script and passed it along to us! AH! How friggin' cool is that?!

We did a cursory scan and were SO relieved to see that our unique ending is still unique. I was completely giddy, bouncing up and down on the couch clapping my hands that we're still safe... well, that is, until someone else comes up with a similar idea, which we're both surprised hasn't happened yet.

So if there wasn't a fire lit under our butts before, there sure is now! Nothing like a little scare to spark some serious motivation.

posted on Aug 28, 2008 11:12 AM ()


I am glad your twist is unique still! And wow girl - you have such a positive outlook... if you figure out how to bottle that up I would be a great customer!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 28, 2008 11:47 AM ()
In all my life, I have never heard of two unpublished scripts so similar that one needed to be changed, unless plagiarism was involved. (However, I do know that when Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone, he beat another inventor with the same idea to the U.S. Patent Office by only a couple of hours!) Stranger things have happened. And if your producer suggests that you change the script...CHANGE THE SCRIPT!
As far J falling in love with the time capsule idea, that is a very common thing. I have directed stage plays for many years, and the hardest directing job I've ever had was directing a play that I wrote called "The Cultivation of Succulents." It is semi-autobiographical, as I've told you before, and when I wrote it, I pictured every single scene in my head. THAT was how the show should look. I would rather have cut off my left arm (I'm left-handed.) than change that look!
So, when directing the show, I brought in a co-director, who had no vested interest in the script. When she made a suggestion, I made sure that it became law, no matter how much I disliked it! (The show ended up getting standing after standing ovation.)
comment by hayduke on Aug 28, 2008 11:32 AM ()

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