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Food & Drink > There's a Nail in My Chick'n Breast - Pt 2

There's a Nail in My Chick'n Breast - Pt 2

I'm back, full, and happy that J remembered to put mushrooms in the sauce. Good stuff.

Okay, so anyhow, like I was saying, I realized that the nail was a result of the cheapo pastry brush I bought and not the fake chick'n. I felt soooo awful!

Even though the company told me that they have metal detectors in their facility that could detect anything as small as 2 mm in size, I knew that my letter probably spurred an investigation into their equipment and caused a lot of people a lot of extra work, and undue stress.

Gosh, could you imagine if they had decided to do a recall of their products?! Even though I was sure the situation wouldn't have escalated to that degree, I still felt sick over it, and again, very thankful that I was pleasant with them and didn't act like a bitch. I have a certain friend who would've totally ripped their heads off upon jumping to such a conclusion. (Actually, it's pretty embarrassing to go out to a restaurant with her even with the service is decent.)

J suggested I call the company the next day and let them know the truth, but I was faaaar too embarrassed to speak with anyone. I really don't like calling companies at the best of times, so as you can imagine, calling someone to apologize for being an idiot would be impossibly hard. Instead, since it was after 6:00 in the evening, I took the chick'ns way out and left a message with one of the individuals who had contacted me a few times the week before. I explained the situation and apologized for the huge inconvenience I must've caused.

A week had gone by and I never heard anything back... until today.

J n' I checked our mail this evening, and in it was a letter from the company who produces the fake meat products. The letter explained their policies and standards (which I had already become quite familiar with from all the conversations I had with their representatives after the incident.) They assured me that upon further inspection, their tests indicated that the nail did not come from their facility. Then they thanked me for my time in bringing this matter to their attention.

Even though the letter had been mailed after I had left my message, there was no mention of my confession . Instead, enclosed was a $50 gift certificate to Save-On-Foods grocery chain.

We're having a Murder Mystery dinner party at the end of the month for a few friends, and I know that $50 sure would come in handy towards buying the extra groceries for it (or a better pastry brush).... especially now that J n' I have to desperately get back on budget after our weddingmoon adventure. Sigh. However, we both know that the right thing to do is to probably just return the gift card, with a letter explaining that I shouldn't accept it after all the grief I caused them.

But still... part of me kinda hopes they'll send it back and say 'please keep it anyway'. ;)

posted on Oct 20, 2008 9:15 PM ()


Good story, better ending. You guys are good folks.
comment by solitaire on Oct 26, 2008 6:22 AM ()
I REALLY LIKE you and J! The world needs more honest people with consciences like you guys. I not so sure that I would have been so honest. Most people would have just kept their mouths shut after they realized where the nail came from.
You and your newly-minted hubby should be proud of yourselves.
comment by hayduke on Oct 24, 2008 12:23 PM ()
What a story. Moral of the story... no more cheap pastry brushes. Since you are sending the $50 back to the company with an apology... you might as well call the pastry brush company and let them know what has happened. Maybe, they will investigate and send you some money. Or.... they might just send you another one of their cheapo brushes.
comment by anniel on Oct 24, 2008 12:59 AM ()
The company wants to get good PR out of this, so you will continue to buy their products, which we do too I think. If the gift card bothers you, then send it back. If they insist, then they will send it again and you can spend it with a clear conscience.
comment by stiva on Oct 21, 2008 9:51 AM ()
Keep it. If it's going to bother you to spend it on J and you, use to buy non perishable food items and donate them to the local Food Bank. Since you're a vegetarian, you could always buy veggie friendly stuff to donate since it's really hard to be a vegan or a vegetarian in that kind of situation.Trust me when I tell you that a company of that size can't take your word for it when you "confess". They no doubt got your message and in the spirit of customer service sent out that gift certificate. Just trust me.
comment by janetk on Oct 21, 2008 7:14 AM ()
wow! That's awesome that you told them the truth. You are such a great person to share air with! I think it's a great idea to send the gift certificate back, but... will they notice? Hard to say...
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 21, 2008 7:05 AM ()
Good for you, Mel. It's nice to see there are still some people around with high morals.
comment by nittineedles on Oct 21, 2008 12:31 AM ()

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