So Tuesday, CEO introduced us to our new interim VP. From now on we are expected to report to him. CEO also had a talk with Manager and promised us that we shouldn't hear from him anymore... and if we do, to let him know.
The new VP seems pretty awesome. Very personable, looking to instill new processes (Wow! Processes - imagine that! Just like a *real* company!), and he wants to help us prioritize our tasks so we are not bogged down with too many B and C priorities, as he calls them. He even wants to know about all of us - what our passions are, our hobbies, our Myers-Briggs personality types. Anyhow, it's all looking up.
After DMC, GD and I had our meeting with CEO and New VP, we had our usual weekly update meeting. Manager normally calls in for this meeting, but we were told that he shouldn't be calling in since he's no longer our manager. Umm... yeah. If Manager's previous track record for incompetence is any indication, then it shouldn't come as a surprise that, lo and behold, he still showed up. He seemed a little irked that New VP was attending the meeting too -- after all, this is *his* right?
Anyhow, long story short, Manager still thinks he's our manager, even though he's been repeatedly told that he's not. Can you say "denial"? *sigh*
In other news, my friend M flew home yesterday. We had a great visit, catching up on all that's new, checking out the wineries, taking a ride on the Fintry Queen (a big paddle boat touristy thing), climbing the mountain down the street, and eating out at pubs n' restaurants way too much. It was all good.
Of course, as much as I truly enjoyed visiting with her, M is a real go-go-go kind of person, and I felt like I had to match her speed. So on that note, I have to admit that I've kinda been looking forward to a nice quiet evening where I could just take a long bubble bath, relax by myself and don't have to be "on", y'know? But even though I craved a little R n' R, last night J n' I found ourselves changing the sheets in the spare room to prep for his dad's visit later that evening.
J's dad is in town for a real estate conference this week, so he asked to stay with us for a couple days. At least we really don't need to entertain him. He's quite content to sit on the couch and read his paper. Anyhow, since FIL with be with us until tomorrow, tonight he's coming with us to catch Indiana Jones at the theater.
J has been totally looking forward to the new Indy for over the last 10 years. (Apparently that's how long Spielberg and Lucas have been talking about making a 4th... they just couldn't agree on a script.) J has been refreshing the tomato meter on for days since the movie's premier at Cannes. "It's up to an 83% approval rating!" he'll excitedly share. He's so funny. In fact, in preparation for the big event, last night we watched Raiders.
So tonight at 6:00, you know where I'll be... standing in line, (hopefully not in the rain!) waiting to check out the latest Indy on the big screen, with J, his dad, Bro, and a few of our friends. Should be fun. I can always enjoy a little me-time on the weekend. :o)