Seems to me that the easiest solution is to just post photos. YAY -- the lazy bloggers way out!
Let's start with last Monday -- Bro n' SIL's wedding. Not only did they say their vows to each other, but they also shared vows with SIL's sweet lil' almost-adopted daughter.

The blushing bride and groom.

The soon-to-be blushing bride and groom.

Our gang towards the end of the night.

Tuesday brought a BBQ and family get-together. No photos.
Wednesday brought our friend L's birthday celebration aboard the Classic Rock Cruise, where we celebrated in style.
Here's a pic of the birthday girl who had no idea what was in store when she was asked to wear these Value Village neon threads.

Here is J n' I lookin' killer. ;oP I'm totally digging my Value Village cherry top that we bought only moments before rushing downtown to catch the boat.

J almost *never* drinks beer, but he happened to that night... and as a result he won a Kokanee shirt for doing so.

The gang -- with the exception of those who were too sick to attend, and those who were away on their honeymoon.

The Band.


Thursday night we were invited to attend this local arts networking event. So there are no pictures of that.
Friday we cancelled dinner plans with friends just to spend a nice evening at home doing absolutely NOTHING. No pictures were taken of us doing nothing.
Saturday was my AMAZING shagette -- shower/stagette.
First I was blindfolded and led outside to a car. A tape recording of L was played, giving me instructions to not remove the blindfold, and that the driver would not be speaking to me. The driver played some ominous sounding classical music as they drove me to our final destination. Along the way, I pretended to bang on the car windows as if I was being kidnapped... and hoping that my silly shenanigans would get the driver to laugh, and that I would be able to recognize their voice. I heard a stifled "Hmmff", but nothing I could really identify.
Finally we arrived and L assisted me out of the car...

And we took baby steps to the backyard...

Then they finally removed my blindfold...

And I was blown away!

The girls made the backyard look like a winery with all kinds of grapevines hanging around and different themes of food, music, and wine for various countries we'll be visiting. I was totally surrounded by friends and family (well, in-laws to be -- my family is all out East.) It took me a few minutes (actually, more like *hours*) to really take it all in. A few days later and I am still overwhelmed by their awesome, creative, generous and thoughtful efforts.
This is what I look like when I'm blown away... a big dumb grin. ;o)

There was so much to take in...

Like this awesome display of brochures from places we intend to visit, and photos of J n' I Photoshopped into European backgrounds...

And this incredible suitcase with photos of me through the years. Like I was saying, they really went to an AMAZING effort!

These awesome little cakes were just the BEST I've ever tasted.

Mmmm... cake....

So yes, I shouldn't have to tell you that my shagette is one that I'll always remember. As for Sunday and Monday... they've been busy just taking care of stuff at home and going to the beach and junk like that.
Alright... and now I think I should be able to pick back up where I left off... I have so much catching up to do! You can expect that I'll be coming soon to a blog near you.