In twenty minutes we're going to have our first conference call with one of the production companies we've been speaking with. They have a few things they'd like to discuss with both of us.
J has always been the one to cold call, so this will be my first time on the phone... not that I have to say anything, I'll just leave that all up to my boy. ;o)
We're trying to anticipate what sorts of things they might address...
Maybe they want to make the film for much less money? (We're quite flexible, just as long as we still earn enough to allow both of us to quit our jobs for a couple years... and truly, considering we're currently not earning the big bucks at our present jobs, that's really not asking a lot.)
Or maybe they think they could make the film for the budgeted $7.3M if they could attach a different director other than J. (This would be a deal breaker...we wrote it with the intention for J to direct. We have no choice but to stand by that decision.)
Or, maybe the lead actor they had in mind is someone we totally have no interest in? (That might be awkward... However, we heard back from Mr. Finney's agent today and they apologized but he's not taking any more roles for the rest of the year for personal reasons. We'd be willing to hold off another year if it meant he'd be our lead, but when you hear "personal reasons", I can't help but think it has something to do with his health. )
Anyhow, time will tell... I'm nervous and excited, but keeping my feet on the ground.
Fifteen minutes to go.