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Life & Events > In Case Anyone Wants to Know

In Case Anyone Wants to Know

I've been absent at MyBloggers lately because I've been blogging at another site, one I used to use regularly. I'd had to stop as technical difficulties arose having to do with being between homes and blogging from various anonymous 'hot spots'.

At the time, I didn't have the ability to sort it all out because I was busy with much work to do in Oregon. I figured I could deal with it once I got settled in at the California house. Once here, I still couldn't get on so I opened this blog.

I was just getting comfortable blogging here when I had a week where I couldn't get onto mybloggers either. After about the fifth day I decided to try Blogster again. I was successful at opening a new account there and have been using it ever since. Once I could get back on at mybloggers, I tried to blog both places. I find that I do prefer the format and ease of use at blogster. I've come to the conclusion that keeping up with two blogs isn't for me so I've chosen to use them as my primary 'home'.

I've enjoyed getting to know all the wonderful people here, and I will miss the friends I've made. I may check in here from time to time. I know that people care about each other here, and I just didn't want anyone to have to worry or wonder what happened to me.

My username at blogster is maggiesnextphase. If you decide to check out blogsterville, please stop by and say hello! I'd love to see you there!



posted on Mar 2, 2013 6:41 AM ()


Well that's a major bummer. I posted something over there the other day just to see if it was still working (my old blog) and it was. I used to blog over there ALL the time, then some freaky deaky lady went and ruined all my fun, and I came to mybloggers when Eddie told me about it. I will miss your posts.
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 3, 2013 8:45 AM ()
That's sad! Do you have the same username as here? I'd love to visit your site. They've done a lot to clean that place up. It's a lot more friendly, with many newcomers from another blog site that disappeared cold turkey, leaving many refugees in their wake. I was surprised at how quickly I was able to make friends! Perhaps you should try again.
reply by maggiemae on Mar 3, 2013 9:44 PM ()
When I had tech difficulties here (couldn't post!), I went to blogster, but the problem there is that they don't have a cool mechanism for informing other bloggers of new posts as mybloggers does. I felt like I was spitting into the wind. Ergo, I returned here and opened a new blog.
comment by steeve on Mar 3, 2013 7:06 AM ()
You can subscribe to other people's blogs. That way you can be notified every time they write a new post. However, if you write one, they might not know unless they subscribe to yours. I had never taken advantage of that feature before, but I am now, and I like it. There is always a lot going on there, with a lot of interaction. Most of all, I can copy and paste! I like visuals, and I do it better on that site. But I know what you mean about feeling like you're pissing in the wind... I've felt that way before.
reply by maggiemae on Mar 3, 2013 9:40 PM ()
I still have my old "butster" account also although it's been years since I've posted there. They had locked my out for awhile, but Rick (on fb also) got my account reactivated. I stay here because I know people. Bugster is too crowded now. But do have fun over there!
comment by jjoohhnn on Mar 2, 2013 10:57 AM ()
That's one I haven't tried.
reply by maggiemae on Mar 2, 2013 8:06 PM ()
We started our blog life on Blogster way back in 2005. We made a lot of primary blog friends there who are now on MyBloggers and some of them are also on Facebook. Blogster eventuallygot very political and meanness grew out of control, so we left for good, both me and Hobbes Fattytail. Before we abandoned it we copied every post we both made.
comment by jondude on Mar 2, 2013 10:15 AM ()
I remember those days at blogster, and the mass exodus to mybloggers. I stayed because all my stuff was there, and because although I knew about the mean-spiritedness of some, it never was aimed at me. It appears that it's cleaned up a lot as I have seen nothing but positive posts from there since I've been back.
reply by maggiemae on Mar 2, 2013 8:03 PM ()
I am sure we are going to miss you here at mybloggers.Lot of our friends have left.
Do stop by to see us and keep informed of your happening.Good luck on your new blog there.
Very seldom go on Blogster.Time to time will checked this out.Fredo
comment by fredo on Mar 2, 2013 9:40 AM ()
I hope you do! I'll check back here to from time to time and let you know what's up.
reply by maggiemae on Mar 2, 2013 8:04 PM ()
People are leaving here which is a shame as Eddie got these together for those who were being abused by people at blogster,
comment by greatmartin on Mar 2, 2013 9:40 AM ()
I haven't delved into too many blogs, but so far I have seen nothing of any abuse there since I've been back.
reply by maggiemae on Mar 2, 2013 8:05 PM ()

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