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Love As Much As You Can

Life & Events > Boring > This 'N' That

This 'N' That

I made a new friend recently. She's a transplant too. We have an amazing amount of things in common! Nice.

Can't seem to shake the feeling I'm letting something important slip through the cracks. When am I NOT letting something slip through the cracks? The question should be, which important thing should I try to rescue from slipping further into the cracks?

Just found out that one of my neighbors is dying. End stage cancer that went undiscovered, even though he'd been to the doctor many times complaining. I haven't had much to do with any of my neighbors here, but we did go to visit them once. I'm glad I did. He impressed me then as being a really nice man. I'm sure this will be very hard on his wife as they have been together more than fifty years.

Finally saw my other neighbor when she peeked out the door today. It's the first time I've seen her in over a year. We all pretty much keep to ourselves. That's not at all how it was in Oregon.

My daughter has been home sick again. Sore throat and sinus issues. I thought we were pretty much done with that when we ripped up the rug and started this new way of eating. Guess not. I hope she can go to school tomorrow.

Still trying to eat healthy and learn new things. There are a lot of different schools of thought about nutrition. I'm sticking to my first inclination for now. I can always make adjustments later. Still losing weight, but much more slowly. Walking is getting easier though.

Tomorrow we'll be taking MIL out for her birthday. We found a restaurant nearby that serves a broad variety of food, including the kind we are eating. I think it's important to be able to go out and let someone else do the cooking every now and then.

Am considering getting some medical guidance, but not sure who or where. I'm looking into a few different places. I am distrustful of conventional medicine, an attitude that has not been helped by my neighbor's soon-to-be-fatal non-diagnosis. Have had my own experience with that as well... something for a future blog.

It'll have to be out of pocket as we have not had health insurance for years. When we did, it was a third of our income, and we barely made ends meet. About the time that gas prices shot up, we opted out. I'd like to get some kind of high deductible 'catastrophe insurance', but it's one of the above mentioned 'slip through the cracks' kind of things. I have an attitude about that too!

That's all for now. Take care ya'll!

posted on Feb 3, 2013 11:38 PM ()


Maggiemae, I attribute my own good health to taking a multiple vitamin
and then adding supplements as needed. Extra b and c and fish oil. I have
plenty of energy and don't see my doctor but once a year. I love to eat
out once a month. The rest of the time we cook.
comment by elderjane on Feb 4, 2013 11:21 AM ()
I've had good results with those vitamins as well. Always had more energy when I took them. If I didn't also have a lot of weight to lose, I'd probably be content with that. I'm sure the fact that you do your own cooking has contributed to your good health. Home made is ALWAYS better!
reply by maggiemae on Feb 4, 2013 4:25 PM ()
"let someone else do the cooking every now and then." As much as I love to cook the first thing I do when I win the powerball is get a full time chef even though I will probably be eating out 15 out of 21 meals--love discovering new restaurants!
Common sense is all that it takes when it comes to food--not too much of anything!
"Nutrition" and the rules change every day--I took a nutrition course in 1974 and that was the first thing I was taught and lo and behold a lot of what was in 1974 doesn't apply today!
comment by greatmartin on Feb 4, 2013 8:55 AM ()
Ah, yes, moderation in all things! Still good advice. Oh, and I wouldn't mind a chef myself! When you win the powerball you can hire one for me too!
reply by maggiemae on Feb 4, 2013 4:21 PM ()

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