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Me On Lifes Errornomics

Life & Events > Lots of Little Wonderful Things

Lots of Little Wonderful Things

Lots of little yet GREAT things going on today. First and the most urgent was (((((THE GAS MAN FIXED THE HEATING)))) Honestly, they have thrown so many new parts at the boiler that it's like new. The latest component to be attatched in this never ending saga for warmth was new sensors. It's the sensor that seems to have been the culprit for the breakdown in the central heating all along. Naturally you'd think they'd check that first; but according to the Gas guy, he said up until now the readings were normal, but it wasn't untill he got a reading of 69 degrees c when he knew it was broken. At the time the boiler was acctually *OFF*. (((GOTCHA - BUSTED))) The boiler got caught out! Gas Man 1 V Boiler 0 !!! It's done the job though, everything is back to normal and at the right temperatures, most importantly the boiler is staying on and not cutting out. I'm looking forward to jumping into bed later without looking like the 'Mitchelin Tyre Man' LOL.


Layla's claim to fame:

This afternoon, I'm going to see Layla (5) in her Nativity play. I'm so excited I can't begin to describe it. She's going to be singing 2 solo's! I'm so proud of her. I reminded her this morning that the play was on today for real and that parents were comming in to see her sing, just to get her head right if you know what I mean. She was realy ok about it; that suprised me.
I can remember playing major rols in plays when I was a child, not by choice though, the teachers would tell you what you were and that was that! The stage fright eat me alive, I had terrible nerves. I remember asking the teacher to stay by me to make sure I went out on stage on time. I know I messed up once.
I just hope for Layla's sake that the karate has conquered any fears she might have had. She does so many things on her own in front of the class and parents in the dojo that it should be second nature to her by now. Better put my phone on charge, I'm going to film this as part of her singing port-folio for when she decides she want's to take part in the X-Factor series lol.


Sign's that I'm getting old:

My Oldest son Joss is having his 1st driving lessons today! OMG I can't believe it, look at him all grown up and exploring the world. It will be so handy to have another driver in the house, I think my hubby retired as a taxi driver years ago. He's never too thrilled to pop up the shop for milk or bread anymore; but with Joss, offer him a can of cola and he's yours lol. Life can only get better haha!

Later xxx

posted on Dec 8, 2010 3:53 AM ()


We are watching Coronation Street - it's the 50th anniversary week - it is devastating, what is going on Loads of sadness
comment by augusta on Dec 8, 2010 11:23 AM ()
Just texted you C'mon . . . .hurry up, I'm waiting . . .
comment by augusta on Dec 8, 2010 11:17 AM ()
It's processing lol. be patient, go and get some kleenex ready cause your about to see and X-Factor finalist in the making
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 8, 2010 11:24 AM ()
I am eating toast & peanut butter as I type, so any mistakes I make will remain
Thank goodness for the heating! You must have been swiving freezing, when it was switching its (hang on - another bite . .) self off
I would imagine, that you are at the nativity play or on your way back from it right now - be sure to let me know how it went
I am glad Joss is having his driving lessons during this cold, snowy, icy weather - I remember commenting to bedrock, that lessons ought to be undertaken under the most extreme type of weather - all he will need now is the 'rain' (that, I know he will encounter) Tell him that I am 'bagsying' a lift or two, when he 'passes' Again, let me know how he got on
Catcha later, love ya, m xxx
comment by augusta on Dec 8, 2010 9:09 AM ()
The play was fabalous, the kids are so awesome. How they get little ones to remember their lines I don't know. I managed to hold the tears when Layla went up to sing, even the head teacher was suprised by her. The head teacher came onto us and congratulated us on raising such a confident little girl. as they say the proofs in the pudding, so I'll let Layla speak for her self in my next post, where i'll up load part of the video recording I took today. I'm editing it at the moment. Wont be long.
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 8, 2010 10:58 AM ()
Sounds as though the holiday season is in full swing at your house. Good luck to Layla....and I know you'll be proud parents regardless of how she does. A second driver in the house is a godsend.
comment by redimpala on Dec 8, 2010 7:42 AM ()
I can't wait, I hope he does well. He came in today happy as larry, so I guess he's hooked
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 8, 2010 10:59 AM ()
Well, yay for heat!And double yay for Layla!And of course, a big yay for you!
comment by juliansmom on Dec 8, 2010 6:42 AM ()
Thanks Juliansmom,
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 8, 2010 10:59 AM ()

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