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Me On Lifes Errornomics

Life & Events > *Celebrations*


So far this week has had it's fair share of good and awkwardsituations - all of life's glory I suppose! I know I've pre-occupied my posts on things that have been hard work, so I thought maybe now it's time to post some happy news. Today is my hubby's birthday, no I still haven't decided what I'm going to do, talk about cutting it fine lol. I think I'll treat him to dinner and fine wine, yes that's what I'll do. We haven't been out since the begining of the millenium so it'll be a nice change for both of us. I hope its enough?! The children bought him cards and his favourite chocolates, but do you think I could find the birthday wrapping paper? No chance!I hate that, I hate it when I put something safe - 'to safe' and then discover it's never to be seen again. I'm sure it will turn up when I'm searching for fusesor it'll mysteriously appear on the sideboard next week! All I could find was baby girl wrapping paper that was left over from the birth of my niece last month lol - the kids laughed and said it'll do lol. I hope hubby doesn't think we're sugesting he's a baby ha! The chocolates and all his cards are waiting for him for when he gets in from work later.
More birthday wishes go to my little champion James who's 7 tomorrow. Gosh times flown by. He's had a great 7 days; Joined a rugby team last Friday and loved every second of it, grampa bought him new togs, he graded for his yellow belt in karate on Tuesday - had a 1st class pass. He obviously follows his daddy because when I graded for my yellow I had a 3rd class pass [blush] and he's chosen all the food he wants for his birthday party tomorrow which he made clear has to be over by 5pm so he can make it to Rugby on time lol. I really have my work cut out for me.
It'll be the fastest birthday party in the history of b-day parties. It'll have to start at 3pm (when hubby comes home) and be over by 4.45pm to make sure he gets to rugby! I can see it now, him running onto the pitch with a mouthful of birthday cake - oh and it has to be 'Ben 10 Alien force' too. another blessing is that we're not working tomorrow, so I'll be able to take some pics of him playing Rugby, I can't wait to see him in action, he's so talented.
The weekend bekons and hubby has announced he's taking us all to the caravan for a relaxing weekend. I goto get everyones things sorted for that. It's all go, busy busy busy, but happy fun-busy - thats what counts. talk to y'all soon. x

posted on July 29, 2010 4:30 AM ()

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