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Me On Lifes Errornomics

Cities & Towns > Weather > What Will Be Will Be!

What Will Be Will Be!

It's been 'limbofied' here since the freeze set in on Thursday night! We had to cancel work on Friday because we couldn't move the Mini-bus for the snow! The council hasn't been gritting side streets, so as you can imagine the snow has just piled up over the past couple of days and there's more to come tomorrow. I'm still no further with the Christmas shopping than I was last weekend and to try and plan a shopping trip around the Met Office's predictions is proving imposible.
The older children *the tweeny-agers* are getting nervous and with good reason! They know Santa only has them to shop for and are asking lots of questions, making me feel even more guilty. What can I do I ask? I can't predict the weather and I can't risk injuring myself more by falling by trying to finish my seasonal shopping. I have bought their main present which is the 320Gb PS3 with all the do-da's and mod-cons and 3 games. I'm hoping and praying that this isn't all they get until the snow and Ice thaws. :( I know they will be ok given the circumstances, but it would make me feel so misserable.
To be honnest, I so need a break in this arctic weather to try and go food shopping as well, but temperatures are expected to plumet to -21 in some parts of the country tomorrow. Sigh! 'Eyebrow raising figures as you can imagine! The prediciament is: Travel early and risk it on Ice, or wait untl noon and shop through snow?!? One way or the other, whether it be on foot or borrowing bro's 4x4 we have to venture out to town; in all honesty - It's been a pain in the rear end for everyone!

Anyway, besides the sheer boredom/frustration/anxiety/panic attacks of not being able to do what I want to do this week, I have been given the opportunity to catch up on the household chores. Being grounded is like a blessing in disguise (believe it or not) especially when I consider all the things I've been able to catch up on, so all in all - it hasn't been a complete waste of time. *Can't believe I just realised that - yet it's true* :P

We'll see what happens....

posted on Dec 19, 2010 6:25 PM ()


comment by augusta on Dec 21, 2010 3:37 AM ()
Hey sup!
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 21, 2010 12:15 PM ()
We went out this afternoon to Morrisons, it was my first time out since last Wednesday! It is attrocious up here on the gwalia - I have got 'massive' (ask John, he's seen them) 'icicles' all around the house (exterior )!!!
Don't forget to listen out for the phone call tomorrow morning at 9am!!!
comment by febreze on Dec 20, 2010 11:22 AM ()
Crazy weather eh! We had icicle's too but we got rid of them before James used them to kill the chickens
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 21, 2010 12:17 PM ()
I know your kiddos will be happy with their Christmas, whatever it is. I'll bet they are loving the snow, even if you aren't.
comment by redimpala on Dec 20, 2010 6:41 AM ()
They're loving every minute of it! Deep down I know if I could be trusted on my feet I would be out there with them - I'm a BIG kid inside
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 21, 2010 12:21 PM ()
Being snowed in has its advantages and disadvantages. Predicted snow storms brings out the worst in TV weather persons. I think it's because people have some survival instinct that makes them eager to test. Have you ever read the Wm. Shackleford story of survival in Antarctica? Most amazing. Anyway, best of luck in completing your shopping.
comment by solitaire on Dec 20, 2010 6:35 AM ()
I'm happy to say I completed my shoping today with help from my dad. As for the Met Office they're useless. They've changed their minds so many times as to whats happening this week that no one is the wiser. It's so annoying.
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 21, 2010 12:28 PM ()
You get that cabin fever all shut in and isolated like that, and you're lucky to have a 4 by 4 in the family. I remember one holiday when the whole city of Denver, Colorado was snow bound. Nobody could get out of their driveway much less get to grandma's house, so we were talking on the phone constantly about our best guess as to when the family dinner could be held. My father-in-law was so fed up, he said "If I hear one more time about whether to put the turkey in the oven today or wait until tomorrow, I'm going to throw the darn thing out in the yard." Only he didn't say darn.
comment by troutbend on Dec 19, 2010 11:33 PM ()
LOL I know someone like that haha! I enjoyed getting out of the house today; I was happy to get out of the house today, even sitting in the hospital waiting room was great lol
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 21, 2010 12:37 PM ()

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