So - pics!!!
Here is the view from the bottom of my bedroom window - as you can see you can't see... haha

and the view from the top of my bedroom window

and our back porch...

I am 100% sick of the snow. My parents are driving down from WI tomorrow night and Friday - I hope it's clear by then! My part time job shut down. I called this morning and my manager told me that he called my classes and canceled them because the store was closing... crazy!!!
We were also just told that we can not be on the roads in our county. I think they can issue tickets if you are not an emergency vehicle. Fine by me!!!
The Fed gov't has been closed for 3 days in a row... the metro is only running underground...
I really REALLY really am looking forward to spring... this was fun for awhile, but enough already!!!
Happy - what day is it again? - peeps!!!