What a busy busy time! I thought that once I wasn't working full time I would have more time! Um, no. It's crazy. Although I must admit I like staying in bed after R leaves in the morning and being able to relax... AND it's nice that when I am just DONE working on something I can be done and take a breather, with no pressure aside from my own... I am also very much enjoying not having people ask me to fetch shit for them... hehehe
Anyways - the parental meeting went WELL! I was so happy. We all had a really good time. Everyone got along, there were no issues, my mom thinks his mom is "cute as a bug" so in my mind, all is well. Loved it! We had a lot of good food, fun and laughs... good times indeed!
In strange news, our road finally got plowed yesterday. Yes, you are reading that right. It hadn't been plowed after the first storm on Friday, Feb. 5th, where we got about 2 1/2 feet. Then we had another storm that added another foot... still no plow. Sooo, yesterday, February 16th, they finally plowed the street. I told the parentals that if they came to visit to prepare for a roller coaster ride from all the bumps and dips in the road from ice/snow. My mom let me know I wasn't exaggerating! RIDICULOUS! I really can't believe it took them that long. Ah, Virginia...
Anywho, we have the kitchen cabinets all painted, I have cleared out the kitchen of all things crap, and I have a TON more to do. Tomorrow I am going to the temp agency then I work a few hours. Friday we have a contractor coming for various reasons. After that I am painting. Saturday we are painting til we go to a party at the barn later in the day... Sunday we are painting... it's amazing that I like working without pay so much more! haha
Hope all is well with ya'll and happy ... what day is it? peeps!!!