In time order...
This is the tree stump that we couldn't get out... it was rather large! Our first of many hurdles...

And here is Ron standing in the hole once it was removed...

The floor starting

The outside walls

Inside framing

Inside walls!

Ron looking out the window of our soon to be son's room

Bathroom beginnings

Bathroom coming along... but that tile height DROVE ME NUTS because it seemed way too short... Ron and the general contractor assured me it was a fine height. But it drove me nuts...

Bathroom as of today, and might I add Ron agrees that it looks much better!

Skylar's room:

Soon to be son's room, does it look purple to anyone? It is a blue, but it looks purple to me.

And that is all for pics.
I am feeling ginormous, and let's face it, I am ginormous. I am ready for this guy to join us but then again - 2??? EEK! I am a bit scared about that.
Alright I have plenty to do while Skylar naps so toodles for now. Happy Sunday peeps!