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Politics & Legal > Warning Will Robinson!

Warning Will Robinson!

I don't understand people today. If you look close enough you'll simply find that I'm a normal working stiff that just wants to raise my kid, buy a house, go to church , maybe go fishing once in a while and possibly retire someday without having to eat cat food for dinner. Yeah, I know , lofty goals, right?. For the most part I want what everyone else wants - to live and let live.

However, my government servants want to control me and everything I do , or at least that's the way it seems to me. If that's not bad enough, it appears that the majority of my countrymen appear to support such notions.

In thinking about it, I suppose it's always been that way and even more so recently. Many in our country didn't want to buck King George. They just wanted to go along to get along. Fortunately, there were those that didn't want to. So it is today. My question is how long do we put up with these morons that govern us today?

And no, I'm not just talking about Democrats. Republicans have jumped on the bandwagon as well. Not all Democrats or Republicans to be sure, but too many for my comfort. Republicans were the closest thing to what I wanted for America for a long time, no check that, I would rather have voted Constitution party when Bush was running but couldn't bring myself to vote for Kerry or Gore which is what a third party vote would be, or at least that's what I was told.

So I listened and I voted and rewarded my party for offering me the lessor of the evils. So here we are just a few months before the next elections and there's that Deja Vu dung again. We've been at this lessor of the evils for so long that I really don't think that either party is happy with their choices this time around. . . .

Well almost everyone with the possibility of 90% of blacks in this country, ( if you believe the polls) who are voting for Barrack Obama so they can have a black President. Yes, Homer, it seems racism IS alive and well in America. Got any guesses as to how many whites will be voting for him as well?

Personally , I never gave much thought to whether a person was black or white. My first job was at White Castle, a hamburger joint. Most of the workers there were black and we had a ball together. My Dad, I'm sorry to say, wasn't so tolerant and used the "N" word often. I'm not demeaning my Dad, he grew up in inner city Detroit and was a VICTIM of racism, it colored his view I suppose. He's dead now so you can't sue. Many blacks are probably saying, "yeah, it colored MY view too!" My point is, since at least the sixties, (I was born in 58) white racism ISN'T the norm. On the other hand if 90% of blacks will be voting on skin color maybe, just maybe, black racism IS.

It always ticked me off for ANYONE to be hateful to a person because of the color of their SKIN! Dr. Martin Luther King is a personal HERO of mine, yet it seems that when he died, his dream has died in America as well. There is no reason for a black person to fear nor resent me, and I certainly am granted no "special rights" like say, affirmative action, because I'm white. Today, I AM everything that IS discriminated against with gusto. I'm white, male, Christian, conservative, straight and traditional. But that's ok...let's NOT tolerate THESE people! I'm coming to the sad conclusion that common sense and decency are giving way to intolerance, hate and eventually retribution toward "my kind." America, what a country.

" Have I become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?"
Well don't expect me to go down without a fight. I'm done being nice and I no longer fear sharing the truth. I am , however afraid for my country and my family. There are times that I feel like a rat backed in to a corner and I think you've come close enough!

I drive a truck and have talked to some Texas truck drivers that say there is a movement to succeed from this madness. If or when that happens I will go there!

If there was a FREE country somewhere NOW, I would go THERE! You lefty's that push and push and usurp voters as you just did in California with the gay "marriage" decision beware, there are those of us that don't want the government telling us how to tie our shoes, in fact we are getting downright INTOLERANT! Soon your accusations may be right!

Just my opinion,

posted on May 21, 2008 2:48 PM ()


I did not mean to imply that religious people are crazy. You can understand what I mean by examining any religion other than your own. Your religion is, of course, the one true religion (though I do not know what religion you subscribe to). You can clearly see that people of those other religions are indulging in fantasy. But they are not crazy. Each believer can move into and out of his fantasy quite freely and is entirely capable of distinguishing his religious world from his everyday world - unless he is captive to a radical cult.

Religions can be both the best things on earth and the worst things earth. But it only takes one mad cult getting its hands on doomsday weapons to finally end the eternal argument of whose god is the baddest.

Thanks again.
comment by think141 on May 28, 2008 7:09 AM ()
I'm afraid you're right. The madness of liberalism seems unstoppable. Our schools are hopelessly infected with the disease and work diligently at infecting our young without fear of interferrence from reason.

I have reached some conclusions as to why liberals pursue social destruction but am still resisting Ayn Rand's ultimate solution. Liberals are neither smarter nor more stupid than conservatives. I would not say that they are technically insane either. Nor do I think that the fact that they are not grounded in reality is necessarily enough to qualify them as insane. Religious people step out of reality all the time when they go to church or otherwise indulge their particular God fantasies. But they can return to reality as easily as they've gone there simply by switching off the imagery. Religious fantasy only reaches the level of insanity when it becomes personal reality. When that happens people will strap bombs to their bodies, drink poison or otherwise seek to end the world.

The path of liberalism can only lead to social and personal destruction. But this seems to be only recognized by people who haven't taken that path. Rand understood that any average realist could look down this path and see that destruction was its end. Her conclusion, then, was that liberals are not crazy - they're suicidal.

Maybe she was right. I haven't been able to bring myself to agree to that just yet. I'm still working on the question of whether choosing to walk a path of destruction is insanity or suicide - a death wish born of a disconnect from reality?

Thanks for providing the shoulder to whine on.
comment by think141 on May 22, 2008 9:01 AM ()
When I was a young art director in Cleveland (way back) I used to take my lunch down at the original White Castle. I would eat twelve of those tiny burgers for less than what one McDonald's Big Mac costs today, and they filled me up!
comment by jondude on May 22, 2008 5:38 AM ()
There is only one major political party here - the Fundraising Party. Every four years it shows up in the mailbox asking me to send it a check. I stuff the entire mailing back into their postage-paid envelope and send it back. I feel your frustration, Bill, but the country will survive, no matter who wins. If John McCain wins, he's my President, too. If Obama wins, he's my President, too. We'll be glad when the damn campaigns are all over and the people speak at the voting booths.
comment by jondude on May 22, 2008 5:36 AM ()
Good post Bill!!
comment by texastar on May 21, 2008 7:53 PM ()
Politics and ppoliticians in the USA are in very BAD shape!
comment by greatmartin on May 21, 2008 6:59 PM ()
I quite agree, makes no difference any more - republicrats or demlicans - McCaim or Hillaery/Obama - same old same old, finger in the wind appeasements and their heads up their ass. I also voted for King George in 2000 & 2004 as the lesser of two evils each time, still believe to be right decision; but at what a cost. UGH. As for White Castle, we have 10 or 12 here, in and around Louisville - much better than the South's Krystal Burger.Black racism is worse to me, considering the suffering, fights, and struggles to end ALL racism.
comment by oldfatguy on May 21, 2008 6:15 PM ()
I liked this.Very good article.
How well I remember White Castle hambuger place.
Wow!this goes way back.Bill good article and writing.
Make a lot of sense to me.
comment by fredo on May 21, 2008 4:04 PM ()

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