I just read a post glorifying the taliban. I suppose everyone is entitled to "their opinion" just as I'm entitled to mine. It is irritating though that people that live here, that are beneficiaries of our freedoms, use those very freedoms to undermine our country, our way of life, our existence. I try not to call liberal Democrats un-patriotic even though many times I feel that they are by their continued efforts to placate "radical Islam." I truly believe you are trying to be kind, and are hopeful that if you are nice to them, they will in turn be nice to you. I do not believe that is going to happen, they know you for the fools you are.
To you that know that you are using the left to accomplish your goals and are pleased with your results, know that there are many like me that will never submit to your demands. We know what America was SUPPOSED to be and will never submit to either communism proposed by the likes of Burak Obama or to socialism as proposed by Hillary Clinton, nor Sharia law put forth by the Islamic radicals! I'm sad to say it is most likely the older generation that even understand and or appreciate what the founding fathers of this nation set in motion. That is mainly due to our failing school system. The younger generation is not really at fault because they were taught America is bad.
America is the greatest nation on earth. She has helped more, spent more, bled and died more than any other nation on earth. I'm pissed right now so I may delete this later if I think I was out of line in any way, but I doubt it. Sometimes when overheated I speak or write rashly, but some things just disgust me. If you love America, Republican, Democrat, Independent or otherwise, start standing up for her, TODAY! We are in trouble ladies and gentlemen, and we better wake up.
Just my opinion,