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Life & Events > Geezerdom Here I Come

Geezerdom Here I Come

In just a few days I will be turning fifty. Fifty YEARS old. One half CENTURY old. Jeez, can you tell I'm having a bit of a hard time with this? I've already had one "mid-life" crises when I was about thirty, I don't know if I can survive another. For whatever reason, I've always seen fifty as "old." So that means I'M OLD! I know, some of you that maybe have been able to reach seventy plus may say, "ahh ya little whipper snapper, your just getting started, your not OLD!" That's basically the same thing I would tell a thirty year old that thought THEY were getting OLD. So, I guess it's all relative. I've heard you're only as old as you feel, so, being nintey five, I think I can speak authoratativly when I say OLD AGE SUCKS! I have pain in things were I previously didn't know I had things. There's an old saying, "if I'd have known I was going to live this long I would've taken better care of myself." SO TRUE! There's another that says, "youth is wasted on the young".....again true!

You get to a certain age, you start to say, I'm never gonna do this, I'm never gonna do that, blah blah blah. I don't know, I've just been thinking all day about it. I'm NOT HAPPY about turning fifty! But.....I am grateful I suppose, it DOES beat the alternative. Mine was a "wild" youth. I could have died in so many differnt ways. I've driven drunk when I could barely walk to the car.(not proud of that) Taken enough drugs to kill a healthy horse.....been shot at, knife fights, beat down etc etc. I AM happy I survived all that....but....I'm not seeing so many good things coming down the pike this side of heaven either. My Dad died of liver cancer, my grandpa of lung cancer....I smoke like a chimney, of course there is the bright spot, my Mom is Seventy three. Of course she is practically crippled with ellers danlo's ( or something like that)....Oey vey. Oh well, I'll be alright I suppose. If you have words of wisdom for me please comment. I'll probably delete this post anyway so hurry...

One more "old saying", then I'll close. "They say life begins at forty", again this is true.....what "they" don't tell you is it begins to FALL APART!

Just my opinion


posted on Mar 12, 2008 3:43 PM ()


You shouldn't look at it as how "old" you are...but really at how "young" you are! You still have many years of seeing and learning ahead of you! Try not to focus on what your age is, but on all of the wonderful things you have accomplished and how many more wonderful things you still get to accomplish!
comment by angelgirl on Mar 18, 2008 6:43 PM ()

Be sure to read the last paragraph!!!
comment by greatmartin on Mar 12, 2008 6:37 PM ()
Age is a state of mind...stay young!
comment by strider333 on Mar 12, 2008 6:29 PM ()
I've been in geezerdom for 22 years--let me tell you it is great!!! After 60 you stop worrying about all the garbage you worried about for the first 55 years--you start to enjoy life and best of all can use age as an excuse for everything and anything--hang in there--10 more years and you will have it made.


PS Forget 'you are only as old as you feel' and those other lies--your body will tell you different--I wrote a blog about those lies.
comment by greatmartin on Mar 12, 2008 5:22 PM ()
Well you don't look 50 or is 50 looking younger?
comment by texastar on Mar 12, 2008 4:14 PM ()

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