I was at work driving my truck. I was listening to the Christian radio station and they were all pre-taped shows, J. Vernon Magee, Chuck Swindol etc. I pulled in to my stop at around 11:00 am. I had not listened to any news so I didn't know anything about what had happened. The shipping clerk asked me, "can you believe this sh**? He's normally a real cut up so I asked him, what do I think about what, fully expecting some sort of joke. He said, We're under attack! I looked at him and felt an my first pangs of apprehension but still thinking this was some sort of joke...hopefully. I said, ok what's the punchline? He said, No really! We're under attack! Look up in the sky, what do you see, or rather NOT see? (we were close to Detroit Metro airport, there are ALWAYS planes flying overhead) I don't know I said, what am I supposed to see? There are no planes, he says. Planes took out the twin towers in New York and the Pentagon and there not sure its over yet.
Well, its seven years later and it's still not over though many seem to think it is.

I know more today than I ever wanted to know about Islam and their hatred of me, my faith and my country. I'm not speaking of Muslims like my friend "Sam" or "Mo" (Mohammad) or the Muslims I come in contact with almost everyday in Dearborn Michigan in the course of my job . I'm talking about the ones that either practice their religion in the strictest sense or have hi-jacked the Islamic faith depending on your point of view. It doesn't matter to me, the fact is there are thousands, maybe millions of well trained Jihadists out there that STILL very much want to destroy America. They plot just how to do it every single day I'm sure. They WILL do it to if we don't get more people in America to wake up---NOW!
I've been called a bigot more times than I can count because of my views on this threat. I can only say yes, I'm a little prejudiced against people that want to cut my head off, kill my family, destroy my country and return those that survive into slaves under Sharia. Again, not Sam or Mo they are worried too as they came here hoping to escape Radical Islam---Opps, am I still allowed to say that? Oh yea, Obama hasn't been elected yet so that's still not "hate speech."
I'm tired. I've written article after article about RI (radical Islam). I'm either preaching to the chior or trying to get deaf dumb blind and stupid people to wake up. It seems like an impossible task at times, and I get tired. Every so once in a while I try again, I have too. When the blade swings that severs my head from my shoulders or the bullet strikes home, if I have time to have any last thoughts I want to be able to go to my grave thinking...I tried.
I know it's a hard article to read, pessimistic, can't really help that...I'm tired. I covet your thoughts, your storys of 9-11, your feelings about it today seven years later, a lifetime ago.
Just my opinion,