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Politics & Legal > I Think I'm Done

I Think I'm Done

I almost had my mind wrapped around the notion of voting for John McCain for President despite my mis-givings. If you would have told me two years ago I'd vote for him I would have laughed out loud at the thought. In a previous blog or a comment to someone else during the primaries I even said I would NEVER vote for John McCain.....enter Burak Obama. I put some salt and pepper on those words as I ate them. I felt I had no choice but to vote for McCain, the alternative was unthinkable. I said then and I repeat here, this voting for the lesser of two evils stuff is wearing mighty thin. I argue with fellow conservatives that say we have to "lose to win", the idea being let Obama win and it will usher in another Reagan revolution. There may not be an "after Obama." Crazy...right? I'm not so sure. Anyway, I'm moving off the point I want to make in this particular piece.

    Like I said, I finally think I've got myself talked in to voting McCain,  especially if he picks Romney or a more conservative running mate. I had even begun to feel good about it on some levels. I still have problems with McCain but overall I told myself, I can live with him for four years.   Then........
Today the Republican party adds Global freaking warming as a PLANK in the Republican party PLATFORM!!!
   I think I've had it. I'm a man without a party. I don't know that I'll bother to go vote 3rd party and now I'm back to wondering if ....and that's capital IF, I can vote Republican this time. I don't know what I'm gonna do. This Global warming hoax is nothing more than a vehicle for U.N. taxation.
  One of the (many) reasons I wouldn't  vote for Obama was his citizen of the world mentality. I don't want to hand over American sovereignty to the United Nations. I have no desire to be a citizen of the world!! I left the Democratic Party when it left me. It seems the Republicans are intent on leaving me too. This time I don't know where to go. Guess I'll just cling to my God and my guns and see where we go from here.
   Go ahead John McCain, make it easy on me, pick a liberal running mate....then if I'm not already....... I'm done!
                                                               Just my opinion,

posted on Aug 27, 2008 2:20 PM ()


Um, Bill, you don't think that God is a kind of citizen of the world? Don't you feel that the entire world belongs to Him? What have you against being a citizen of the world. I guess I'm not exactly sure of what you're saying. I often get confused when I'm not speaking face to face with someone... sorry.
comment by sunlight on Sept 16, 2008 2:30 AM ()
This is a two class system in America, the Democrats and Republicans in their "instant" rich club...get elected and get rich quick. Remember, we have only one more choice in elections then the old Soviet Union. The two parties are one class and all the rest of us are the other and we fall for their differung rhetoric. McCain moves right and Obama moves right in this election...but in the end, they'll both end up in the middle...
comment by strider333 on Aug 27, 2008 7:25 PM ()
I too can not and will not vote for Barfup Obama, but who else does that leave me with?? John McCain --- yuck!!!
comment by oldfatguy on Aug 27, 2008 6:49 PM ()
Bill, I am in the same situation as you are. I am not comfortable with either candidate. Perhaps it is merely politicians who make me uncomfortable. Sorry Draco but the middle class is dwindling slowly and surely. We will be a two class country--the wealth and the poverished.
comment by angiedw on Aug 27, 2008 3:25 PM ()
I have a funny feeling that he is going to win the election.
Will vote for my party,but very unhappy to do so.
Check out the body language of these candiadates.
Look like Romney for Mccain and that is a bad choice.
Maybe he can draft Hillary
Not going to worry.None of these are my man.
Just you my friend.
No,I am not hitting on you.Just being silly
comment by fredo on Aug 27, 2008 2:38 PM ()
I'm sorry. I don't want another "Reagan Revolution." He believed in the "Rich get richer and the poor get poorer." He wanted to eliminate the middle class. President Chimp wouldn't have been in office if Daddy didn't piggyback into the White House after Reagan's term was up. Plus Uncle Ronny was in early stages of Alzheimer's Disease during his last few years in office. I know conservatives don't want to hear this but Billy boy had our country cleaned up from Reaganomics. For twelve years between Reagan, Bush and Clinton our country was a mess with Iran/Contra, Grenada, Desert Shield, Desert Storm, and Somalia. We need someone to clean the mess Chimp left behind and I'm sorry but John McCain will keep the mess going.
comment by draco on Aug 27, 2008 2:36 PM ()

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