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Julian's Mom

Life & Events > Viewer Discretion is Advised

Viewer Discretion is Advised

Twenty five minutes until the Amazing Race starts. How much can I write in twenty five minutes?

Oh, who am I kidding? This won’t make it onto mybloggers before the Amazing Race starts. But it’s worth a shot, ain’t it?

I have tried, unsuccessfully, to blog several times over the last two days. There are a few half posts saved to Microsoft Word that I keep meaning to go back to but somehow never do. They just hang in limbo in the guts of my hard drive. One post was about the squirting phenomenon and how ridiculous it is. The second was a real negative Nellie that was about several people who are working my last nerve as of late and a self-absorbed, melodramatic, tortured sort of vein in general. That one might still make it. I know that secretly, deep down inside, you love when I whine. Ha. And yet another was called “Conversations With Julian”. It was supposed to be funny. I still might go back to that one, too or start including random snippets of conversations with my little guy at the end of each post in an attempt to end each piece on a lighter note.

However, over the last few days, each post seemed to be “too far gone” and none of them made it.

Seems my mind is a little like a ping pong ball, with thoughts dancing through my head, never resting in one place long enough for me to catch a hold of them and make them into something that makes relative sense.

I think that might be me in a nutshell. Shit. That’s kinda scary, isn’t it?

Anyway, the point is that this post might just have to be point form since I can’t seem to hold a decent thread of conversation with anyone, including myself. If you don’t believe me, ask my wife who was subjected to my incoherent babbling earlier this evening. Poor gal.

I’ll cut right to the chase. Actually, I guess I didn’t. But who gives a fuck?

Celibacy does not look good on me.

I need a penis.

This is not to be confused with needing a relationship. I don’t need one of those. Not at all. They look nice on TV and in movies and such but I tend to break them after I bought em and am still in debt from the last two. I might consider checking into another one if the price was right but for right now, no, no relationship.

Just a penis.

A penis and a mouth and two hands and that’s all I’m going to say on the matter because I’m pretty sure I just upped my blog rating from G to R and if I keep going, I’ll belong on a porn site.

I realized that my need for a penis was starting to cloud my thoughts when I watched Ramona and Beezus last night with my kids during our Saturday night movie night, which we have whenever they are with me for the weekend. The girls take turns picking out a movie to rent and this week, they chose Ramona and Beezus. I was stoked since I so loved the books when I was a kid and Olivia was stoked because she also loves the books and Erica just likes Selena Gomez. After about half an hour into the movie, Olivia turned to me and said, quietly, “Is it just me or is Ramona * exactly * like Erica?”

It wasn’t just her.

But I digress.

My penis need completely took over as soon as they showed who was playing the Dad.


Okay, well, John Corbett, but for me he will always be Aidan, forever and ever more, Aidan…

Once he entered the kitchen, my brain flew out the window and I could concentrate on so very little else. Forget the plot. All I saw was Aidan. In a suit. Being a Dad. A GOOD dad, at that. So good that at one point Olivia said, “I wish he was my Dad.”

Sad, yes. Very. But even sadder yet was my response, which seemed to shoot out of my mouth before my brain had time to censor it (I might or might not have been drooling at this point).

I said, “I wish he was your Dad, too.”

Both of my girls stopped to stare at me (Julian was watching the wheels of his toy truck spin around and around and wasn’t paying any attention to any of us). Believe it or not, I never, ever say anything negative about their Dad in front of them. I don’t defend him when he fucks up and hurts them because I truly believe that children are little people and they are going to feel what they’re going to feel and the last thing they need is their mother telling them NOT to feel something…but…I don’t talk down about him EVER.

“What?” I asked, wiping the drool from my chin.

“Why does your voice sound weird, Mom?”

Um, yeah.

When you start drooling about the Dad in a kid’s movie, you know things are bad.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, but I’m fairly certain all or most of those measures do require leaving the house so I’m kinda fucked there. Or not, as the case may be.

(There goes that family rating again)

Because going out of the house isn’t working too well lately.

Erica had a birthday party to attend on Saturday afternoon. For the record, I * hate * birthday parties. A lot. I think that the only parents who actually like birthday parties are those of only children. The folks who liked their child so much they decided to stop while they were ahead. Because no matter WHAT, when you drop off one kid at a birthday party, there is going to be a fight when you pick them up.

It’s usually over the elusive treat bag.

There’s always something in those little fuckers that the kids have to fight over. In Saturday’s case, it was a cheap, plastic harmonica.

Yes, a harmonica.

In addition to the fight that always results over the goddamned treat bag, there is also a case of the jealousies because no matter what you did with the kids not at the birthday party, it will not measure up what happened at the party itself. Hell, it doesn’t matter if you took the other kids to something even greater and more fun than a fucking party, it won’t measure up once you pick the kid at the party up for the mere fact that the kids who were left out don’t know what went down at the birthday shindig and that alone will fill their little minds with endless possibilities of fun that they weren’t having while their mother took them out for lunch and a roam through the toy department in Walmart so that they could fine tune their Christmas list.


It was the toy department that proved to be our demise.

Suffice it to say that I will not be taking Julian out anywhere unless I absolutely, positively have to until the Christmas decorations have been taken down and calm has resumed in every lowly little retail outlet from here to Quebec.

It’s just not worth it.

Walmart is always a source of aggravation for him what with the bright lights and huge displays and music being pumped through the speakers and voices booming over the intercom and people as far as the eye can see, many of them rude and loud themselves. But with some chewing gum and a tight fitting hat and a clear, concise list and direct route in and out, along with allowing him to execute every one of his rituals before during and after the trip, I can * sometimes * get him through it.

Throw in some construction and the explosion of Christmas retail and we’re screwed.

So, yes, Saturday was a long, long day. The kind of day that makes you look at the clock around five and wonder how in the hell it can be so fucking early and wonder silently to yourself how you can possibly have to make dinner, serve dinner, clean up from dinner, take out the garbage and compost and recycling and then bathe all three children and get the movie set up and the snacks that always go with a good movie night before getting them all to brush their teeth and get into bed.

A long, long day.

And a long, long night.

That’s the thing, see?

If I have a hard day (and I do consider this my job at the moment, despite the lack of pay but oh! I forgot to mention the good news! Must be my recent penis distraction that stopped me from remembering….Julian was approved for ACSD funding! Yay!), that tends to mean that my night will be even harder.

That was going to make it’s way into my whiny post.

Maybe tomorrow.

For now, I will end this post with a conversation with Julian. To keep the mood light, see?

Me: “I might have to pull you out of school on Tuesday afternoon.”

Olivia: “Why?!”

Me: “Because I’m taking Julian to the doctor and it’s two hours away. I’m not sure how the day will go, yet.”

Olivia: “Are you going to CHEO? Do we have to come with you? I don’t want to miss school!”

Me: “You’re weird.”

Olivia: “So are you.”

Me: “I know. That’s where you got it.”


Me: “No, Julian. We’re not going to see Dr. Hameed. We’re going to see Dr. Abu Dieh.”


Me: “I know you hate him, Julian. We aren’t going to see him. We’re going to see Dr. Abu Dieh.”


Me: “ I know you do, Julian. We aren’t going there. We’re going to see Dr. Abu Dieh.”


Me: “I need to get out more.”

posted on Nov 14, 2010 6:27 PM ()


(boobie nipples)I just love Julian. And I love your blog. but I hate Dr. Hameed whoever he is...
comment by drmaus on Nov 19, 2010 9:00 AM ()
Thanks.Dr. Hameed is Julian's consultant pediatrician. And Julian sure does hate him....
reply by juliansmom on Nov 25, 2010 4:21 PM ()
First, I hear you on the birthday party thing. I cringe whenever
they come home with an invitation. It was pure hell when DD was
too young to get invitations, while her brother is going to parties
monthly and coming home with all that loot...

And I drool over Aiden/John Corbett too. I was VERY upset that
Carrie picked Mr. Big over him, stupid, stupid girl. Oddly, one
of my brothers looks a fair bit like John Corbett, how did that
comment by crazylife on Nov 15, 2010 8:20 PM ()
Who cares how it happened?! Send him to Ontario!

I wouldn't kick Mr. Big out of bed.But I did like Aidan better. Except for when he got all possessive. That was a bit creepy.

I *knew* you'd get why I hate birthday parties!Whenever my girls have one, I always get extra loot stuff to give to the siblings who come to pick their sister or brother up.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 16, 2010 6:33 AM ()
You have an amazing sense of humour So glad you got the ACSD fundng - just at the right time too
comment by febreze on Nov 15, 2010 11:51 AM ()
Even better...I received the news about ACSD funding on Friday after a long phone interview. I will receive a cheque for October for Julian by the end of the week. And then yesterday, I got notice in the mail that Julian was approved for an incontinence grant from Easter Seals. You have no idea how stoked I am about not having to pay for diapers every week.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 16, 2010 6:37 AM ()
I do like the idea of ending the posts with a Julian conversation - that one was cute! I also looooooooooooooove me some Aidan. I liked Smith too though... but Aidan just has that MAN thing down. mmm
Does Julian go anywhere yet so you get a few moments of peace to yourself -aside from his Dad's? Just wondering. I think you me and Amy should go on a vacation to a tropical island... Wouldn't that be nice?
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 15, 2010 11:26 AM ()
We should go and bring Aidan and Smith and what the f*ck, let's bring Mr. Big, too.No, I don't get any kind of reprieve unless he's at his Dad's which is why I am the way I am. Ha. Actually, the ACSD funding I was talking about will provide money for respite care.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 15, 2010 11:50 AM ()
Wait! Back up! I want to know about the squirting phenomenon!
comment by susil on Nov 15, 2010 11:16 AM ()
Ha!Maybe I should drag that one up from computer and post it...just for you.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 15, 2010 11:20 AM ()
A post full of reasons why we all love you! I know had FRUSTRATED I would be if all I had was a goodie box
comment by firststarisee on Nov 15, 2010 9:45 AM ()
Oh, I don't recommend it!But it *does* cut down on the time one spends listening to a significant other's bullsh*t so it's not all bad.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 15, 2010 10:30 AM ()
Better a goodie box relationship than no relationship at all.
comment by elderjane on Nov 15, 2010 6:51 AM ()
I suppose you're right. And the truth is that I'm too exhausted to add another person to my life anyway.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 15, 2010 10:31 AM ()
Well, I , for one, didn't find your post amusing. I mean, there were some witty things said, but overall, I feel sorry for you. I know you try to make lemonade out of lemons and all. But what you have to go through day after day can't be humorous. Trying to make light of your situation doesn't make the hurt go away. And there's nothing I can do or say to help. Sorry.
comment by solitaire on Nov 15, 2010 5:58 AM ()
Well, way to see right through me.You don't laugh because you do know, all too well, how hard this really, really is. Single parenthood is not for the faint of heart. Trouble is, we rarely, if ever, get a choice in the matter. What I find so impressive and why I like you so much is the fact that your experience as a single father made you empathetic and always, always willing to lend a hand to someone in need. So many other people become bitter and jaded, quick to tell me just how hard they had it so that I don't dare complain. I think you remember too well how this loneliness can sometimes feel...so I will thank you for your empathy.

And don't worry...silicone penises aren't all that bad.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 15, 2010 10:42 AM ()
It's late here - watched the Race, and then last week's Race because we missed the first part, so I will have to read the rest of what you wrote tomorrow. I'd love to run into you all at Walmart sometime but all we get around here that's interesting is the occasional polygamist and his dowdy wives in the pastel home-sewn ugly dresses.
comment by kitchentales on Nov 15, 2010 12:08 AM ()
I try really hard to be open minded but that really creeps me out.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 16, 2010 6:35 AM ()
Oh, yes, they definitely bring several wives shopping with them, and you have no trouble picking them out. One time we saw a 50 something man with his 17 year old wife. If she would dress like normal women we'd have thought she was his daughter or even grand daughter, but the way they looked and acted you could tell what was going on.
reply by kitchentales on Nov 15, 2010 10:35 PM ()
That sounds a *lot* more interesting that our Walmart! Now I want to see a polygamist!Do they bring more than one wife out shopping?

And you probably wouldn't want to run into us. Too much screaming.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 15, 2010 10:33 AM ()
Looks like the amazing race is getting rid of those in family relationships
comment by greatmartin on Nov 14, 2010 8:55 PM ()
That's true! I never really saw it that way. I can't say that I'm disappointed, though...that father and daughter team was driving me a bit nuts. Who are you rooting for?
reply by juliansmom on Nov 15, 2010 6:12 AM ()
Ok, I have to agree with AJ. You had me laughing; not at you but at your wicked sense of humor. I wish the parents of all autistic children could read this to get inspiration Julian is very lucky to have your for his Mom. You are amazing.
comment by gapeach on Nov 14, 2010 7:29 PM ()
Aw, thanks. I don't think I'm very amazing. And I'm sure Julian would disagree at times.Much of the time, I'm only doing what needs to be done...And it's okay to laugh at my sad little life...I would, too, if I weren't living it.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 14, 2010 8:09 PM ()
OK ... You had me laughing so hard reading this. Not at you. You just wrote so humorously about the topic. I know someone who has catalogs you might be interested in ...
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 14, 2010 7:11 PM ()
AJ, you already know that I have a goodie box *full* of things that come in those catalogs. You know it's not the same...I know it's not the same. My goodie box is pretty much the only solid relationship I've got at the moment...
reply by juliansmom on Nov 14, 2010 8:07 PM ()

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