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Julian's Mom

Parenting & Family > Instead ...

Instead ...

I really did not plan on blogging tonight.

But I’m anxious and unsettled for a number of reasons, so here I sit, unable to log onto my other blog and lay it all out for nobody to read because, quite frankly, I’m scared of scaring myself with what would come out if I didn’t censor myself a bit.

Pushing things down is highly underrated.

Instead, I’ll sit at mybloggers and turn my day to day life into a funny anecdote. Because sometimes, and I’m not being sarcastic, that makes me feel better.

Strange gal that I am.

Hm. That all sort of set the tone, didn’t it? Hard to come up with funny anecdotes once I’ve gone and soured the mood with reality and seriousness, isn’t it?

Okay, okay…you twisted my arm…I’ll give you one truth. But that’s it!

Sometimes being Julian’s mother makes me feel lonelier than I have ever been before.

I want to elaborate on that. I do, I really, really do. But like I said above, I am scared of letting that out tonight. Maybe because tomorrow is a school day and I have to get up and I already know that I will up at least once, if not twice or three times, tonight and it’s a bad idea to start delving down deep and coming up with eyes full of tears and a constricting throat.

But I do want to say (and then I promise to get on with the show) that I don’t always need a pep talk. Honestly. Sometimes I just need the space to feel something before I can let it go. And the truth is that sometimes this job sucks some serious motherfucking ass, let me tell you. It is lonely. So very, very lonely. For fellow parents out there (and I have Randy to thank for that…just a month ago, I would have said, “mothers” instead of “parents”) who feel “touched out” at the end of the day…and I have been there with my girls and I remember the feeling all to well…please don’t take it for granted. Please don’t take their cuddles and kisses and hugs and pats and need for your body to practically be their own for granted. Just once, while you’re feeling that way, think of me, would you? If that’s not too egotistical to ask for. Soak up a little cuddle time instead of thinking of the things you need to get doing for this girl who would give her right arm right now for some.

Right. So where was I? Oh yeah. I don’t always need a pep talk. In fact, my life is full of people who are always giving me pep talks and encouraging me to do something differently. Most of the time it’s unwanted advice. And a lot of the time I have to stop myself from smacking them. Sometimes one just needs another to acknowledge the challenge, give it validation before they can move onto the next stage. That’s it.

I swear I didn’t mean to end up blogging about this.


I have a hot chocolate and I have already sworn. Profusely. So that takes care of my two favourite vices, right? Onto another….

Michael Jackson!

I can’t believe that I missed the interview Oprah did with Katherine Jackson. Actually, I can believe it since I never watch Oprah and don’t watch television during the day pretty much at all (and I don’t think watching the same DVD of Mr. Dress Up over and over and over again for six hours counts).

I guess what I mean to say is that I’m sorry I didn’t get a heads up from some Oprah watching friend (although I don’t think I have any) so that I could have tuned in for it. I’m sure it will be repeated at some point…and I’ll probably watch it…and I will most likely be sorely disappointed. I’m always doing that…watching or reading something about Michael in the hopes of gaining some of the magic he used to stir up in me only to find I will never feel it again because he’s gone, I won’t see him on a magazine or on TV unexpectedly, he won’t pop into my message box on facebook ever again…and reading about or listening to people who knew or loved him will never, ever be the same.

Because it’s not him. Because he’s gone.

I’ll ask that you not judge me on this on, even if you really, really hated him. I loved him. LOVE him. I long ago stopped trying to explain to people why I loved him as much as I did…and believe me, it was a remarkable kind of love…and instead just asked that they refrain from judging me or from saying negative things about him in my presence.

I feel a Michael rant coming on. Ah, what the fuck, right? It’s * my * blog, after all! I can say whatever I damn well feel like.

Who cares what he did to his face?! It was HIS face! And how did that affect the lives of any of us?

And why are people so surprised to find that his children loved him, miss him, thought of him in the way we all thought of our own fathers? He was their Dad, after all. He was none of the things the media made him out to be to any of them.

I just want to go and watch This Is It and cry into my hot chocolate now.

Onto other matters.

I sent my very first text message today. It took me quite a bit longer than it should have. How are people so good at it? It’s hard! Much easier to just call someone up, I think, but then what do I know? Could someone please tell me what the allure of text messaging is? Honestly. I don’t get it.

I’ve been trying to decide whether or not to take Julian out tomorrow morning. I’ve been pretty much thinking about it all day, which is only a testament to how pathetic my little life is, I guess. You see, I have a few errands to run, including picking up a gift for Erica’s friend’s birthday on Saturday. I’m scared to leave it until Friday night because sometimes the Friday night thing doesn’t go very well with the kids and I. However, I have a telephone interview at one thirty tomorrow afternoon with the ACSD lady and I booked that time because Julian often naps and it’s very, very difficult for me to have a phone conversation of any kind when he’s awake. Damn near impossible some days.

Now, if I take him out in the morning, there is a good chance he will be extra mixed up the rest of the day, especially considering that I already took him out this past Tuesday. And that means he might not sleep. Which will make the phone interview difficult.

But…it’s with the ACSD lady for Christ’s sake. I’m sure it wouldn’t be the first time she’s done an interview with an ASD kid going crazy in the background. My fear is that I won’t be able to concentrate and focus and will miss something critical or mix up one of my numbers or something…

And now, lastly, a question for all of you.

At what age is it appropriate to allow kids to talk on the phone with their friends? I ask because Olivia, who is nine and in the fourth grade, received a phone call tonight while she was out gallivanting with Granny and Grandpa. So, I ask…at what point are they old enough?

That’s not such a good way to end this rambling, incoherent post.

Instead, a conversation that happened in my bedroom yesterday.

Me: “Julian, be careful with that candle.” (He was smelling a candle on my nightstand)

Julian: Blank stare. (He doesn’t understand what I’ve just said)

Me: “Julian. Look at me. Please. Be. Careful.”

Julian: Still a blank stare. (He still doesn’t understand what I’m asking of him)

Me: “Julian. Do. Not. Play. With. That.”

Julian: “Why?”

Me: “Because it is mine. It is special to me. I like it.”

Julian: “I like umbrellas.”

It’s more than okay to laugh. I know I sure as fuck did. In fact, just repeating that conversation cheered me up immensely. Good night, all.

posted on Nov 11, 2010 7:56 PM ()


I did see that Oprah, and it was great. I'm surprised that his
kids don't look at all like him, and definitely don't look half
black. I've made my kids watch a few old MJ videos, and they are
pretty interested in him now!

My kids get phone calls all the time from friends - to see if they
can play. They don't really talk to each other on the phone
though. They pretty much started as soon as they were old enough
to speak well enough - age 3 or 4.
comment by crazylife on Nov 15, 2010 8:09 PM ()
Olivia tried to talk to her friend on the phone last night but her little brother and sister sort of ruined it for her. I think I'll let her try again tonight in the hopes that it fosters a stronger friendship.

My kids *love* MJ. Julian, especially. He watched This Is It so many times even *I* got sick of it.Have you seen the movie? It's pretty cheap now at Blockbuster and a good watch.I always thought Prince looked a little like Michael pre-plastic surgery. Genetics are strange. A good friend of mine married a black man (she is white) and her children are not black at all...She gets really upset when people doubt their father.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 16, 2010 10:22 AM ()
Writing (for me) is good for the soul--chicken soup for the mind. Expressing oneself in print helps focus random thoughts. I think it's great therapy. Continue on. (And yes, men are parents, too!) BTW, qwerty is the top row on the keyboard.
comment by solitaire on Nov 13, 2010 6:19 AM ()
Thank you for explaining what a qwerty is.

You do realize, however, that right now you're like pretty much the only guy as a parent that I know, right?
reply by juliansmom on Nov 13, 2010 5:46 PM ()
If you take a look at 'page 6' of my previous posts, take a look at a post entitled: My First (hopefully many more to come) Anniversary.
This will explain my present situation. I celebrated my 3rd anniversary 7 months ago, so I am doing 'something' right he entire situation was caused by a type of blood poisoning - Endocarditis, it started to disintegrate my heart (the first hospital didn't realise I had it, so it was ignored) this led to a piece of my heart getting into my blood stream and it lodged into my brain - hence the stroke. I was transfered to another hospital when it was discovered that I was dying, luckily, it was a good hospital and they managed to 'fix' my heart with a couple of valves (mind you, they managed to puncture my lung while doing it - fortunately, my husband noticed my breathing was a bit 'strange' after the op. and they re-inflated it then - oh that f- - - ing hurt - I couldn't have any more anesthetic.Anyway, all of that was in 2001, I was in hospital for a while, but more or less go better. Every year I had to go for a full check-up - I felt really great! Then 3 years ago I got my 'shock'. That is what is in the post I just mentioned on page 6. I still feel ok, it is just 'that' which is hanging over me now.
comment by augusta on Nov 12, 2010 6:18 PM ()
texting is only easy and fun with a qwerty keyboard :) And for me, I like it because I HATE talking on the phone (for the most part). Kevin gets a phone call here and there and he's 10. I think as long as it's not a habit, a phone call here and there helps them build friendships and connections with others they only see in school. I think this is a good thing.
comment by firststarisee on Nov 12, 2010 5:37 PM ()
I don't know what a qwerty keyboard is.Is that what I see on the commercials for cell phones...the doohickey that comes out of the bottom with letters on it?

Thank you so much for answering the phone question! I was thinking along the same lines...that Olivia might be able to build stronger friendships if she can chat on the phone. And this girl sounded pretty polite and mature...
reply by juliansmom on Nov 12, 2010 5:42 PM ()
I had a pretty big stroke (along witha few other things) almost 10 years ago. It affected the side of my brain which carries the 'reading/writing and speech part of it. Although I am 'cured' of that, I do have trouble (occasionally) in 'getting my words out' - usually if I am very tired. This is where I prefer to 'text' (or 'blog' for instance) in preference to speaking on the phone. (I have a 'simple mobile [cell]' phone, no gizmos (I do have another mobile with a camera etc - but it is too technical for me, so I stick t the 'oldie' one
comment by augusta on Nov 12, 2010 9:50 AM ()
How does one get cured of the brain trauma caused by a big stroke? I'm truly curious.

It's funny that you mention that because that is the way Julian's brain works, too (or doesn't work, I guess). His Speech and Language Pathologist described it just that way.

I can see how texting would be much easier in those instances. I'll just have to keep trying so that my phone doesn't time me out as I hunt and peck for the number to correspond to the letter I want.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 12, 2010 5:36 PM ()
You have your hands full and you are coping. That is the good news.
comment by elderjane on Nov 12, 2010 7:49 AM ()
And as John Lennon sang (my kids are really into his music right now)... "Every day, in every way, it's getting better and better."Maybe that's the ticket! Not making Julian better but getting better at coping.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 12, 2010 5:38 PM ()
I can't know your pain because: 1. I didn't have a child with your' problems. 2. My husband stayed PUT. 3. I haven't walked in your shoes. But, I have known mother's with your problems. You have all my love and sympathies. I know that doesn't help you, but it helps me. Now I feel so selfish.. If I had the wisdom of Solomon, I would know what to say, so forgive my feeble attemps at saying I feel for you. nenah
comment by nenah on Nov 12, 2010 7:10 AM ()
Oh, there's nothing to forgive! That's not selfish at *all*...In fact, that is sometimes what one needs to hear...a bit of validation.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 12, 2010 5:40 PM ()
I personally don't like pep talks. it's like the other person is saying my feelings are not valid and I should just suck it up. I liked Michael but not as much as I love love love Prince.
comment by elkhound on Nov 12, 2010 4:08 AM ()
I remember now how much you Prince! I'm a fan of the Prince classics...his songs are unlike anyone else's.

I'm so glad you feel the same way about "pep talks"...you summed it up perfectly. I always feel like I'm being told that I shouldn't feel the way I feel which is worse because you can't help your emotions.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 12, 2010 6:37 AM ()
A)"I don’t always need a pep talk. Honestly. Sometimes I just need the space to feel something before I can let it go." Word.
B)Michael Jackson...I loved him too though not as deeply as you. I believe he was the engineer on the freak train, which was some of his appeal.
C) I hate umbrellas.
comment by walkwithgrace on Nov 11, 2010 9:11 PM ()
You know, last night I went onto the other blog and read all of your previous posts...got lost in them, really, even though I already knew much of the "news".Now I'll make another trip tonight to read about the playground.

The freak train...I that! Maybe I loved MJ because I was always sitting on the back of that train, eh?
reply by juliansmom on Nov 12, 2010 6:39 AM ()
D) I did blog on the other page. And it was all about how parents on playgrounds are divided into two groups. This was brought on by a trip there tonight and a boy shouting "#####!" at his sister in front of Mak.
In case you were wondering....
reply by walkwithgrace on Nov 11, 2010 9:13 PM ()
"a lot of the time I have to stop myself from smacking them." I concur.
Texting ROCKS because it's not all consuming. You're on the phone and you hafta pee? no can do. (well some people can) but texting? No problem. Texting kinda allows that personal freedom of saying - oh - I didn't hear what you just said (then put it off for awhile to think about it) that on the phone just isn't quite possible. I adore texting. With all my heart. AND I hate the phone, with all my heart.
And R loves that about me.
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 11, 2010 8:04 PM ()
I'm not really a fan of the phone, either. Only certain people will get me to talk for hours and hours...like my distance sister and my wife.

Thank YOU for explaining texting to me! That makes a lot of sense. And I guess one would just get better at the actual texting part with practice? That was what tripped me up...Olivia is *still* laughing about how long it took me.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 12, 2010 6:34 AM ()
Your post was neither incoherent or rambling--it as interesting and shows teh many sides of a human being!
comment by greatmartin on Nov 11, 2010 8:02 PM ()
Thanks Martin! Sometimes when I get going I can't tell if it makes sense anymore.And I can talk about MJ for a long, long time. I was holding back.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 12, 2010 6:35 AM ()

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