I moan my way down and turn, moaning, into the kitchen, tap the coffee switch, turn off the kitty night light and moan my way to the bathroom
(CENSORED HERE)and so on.
Then with a cup of coffee in hand, I moan as I unlock the front door to go out for air, the morning newspaper and traffic noise.
I moan a lot because I am suffering the usual morning pain, associated with 1. arthritis (until the ketoprofen kicks in) and 2. age.
My cats detect the syndrome and are very concerned in the morning because of my moaning. They are concerned, of course, because I am the "primary food chimp," and if I was not able to function they would not eat.
I am sure that if they were capable of it they would petition me to quit moaning because it scares the hell out of them.
After all only one of them has achieved the level of 'cabinet-opening' but not one of them knows how to pull the lid off of a can of Friskies.
I tell them the moaning is an outlet, a way of Zen that releases about half the pain. Without groans and moans I would not be able to do what I do.
(Moans and goes off to find more hot coffee...)

(Photo) Sessie and Sparky use Doobie (black) for a pillow.