Jon Adams


Jon Adams
Tiffin, OH
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A Minority Of One

Life & Events > Mornings ...

Mornings ...

Every morning I wake up moaning. I go around the room turning things on so I can see while I moan.I grab clothing articles, unplug the cell phone from the charger wire, moan more and head for the stairs.

I moan my way down and turn, moaning, into the kitchen, tap the coffee switch, turn off the kitty night light and moan my way to the bathroom

(CENSORED HERE)and so on.

Then with a cup of coffee in hand, I moan as I unlock the front door to go out for air, the morning newspaper and traffic noise.

I moan a lot because I am suffering the usual morning pain, associated with 1. arthritis (until the ketoprofen kicks in) and 2. age.

My cats detect the syndrome and are very concerned in the morning because of my moaning. They are concerned, of course, because I am the "primary food chimp," and if I was not able to function they would not eat.

I am sure that if they were capable of it they would petition me to quit moaning because it scares the hell out of them.

After all only one of them has achieved the level of 'cabinet-opening' but not one of them knows how to pull the lid off of a can of Friskies.

I tell them the moaning is an outlet, a way of Zen that releases about half the pain. Without groans and moans I would not be able to do what I do.

(Moans and goes off to find more hot coffee...)


(Photo) Sessie and Sparky use Doobie (black) for a pillow.

posted on Apr 25, 2013 5:55 AM ()


I'm trying to count cats and don't know how many there are: Hobster & Sparky - orange; Sessie - gray Siamese; Satchel - gray; Choccie & Doobie - black; the tabby with the great eyes whose name escapes me just now; who else is there? We need a rogue's gallery of portraits.
comment by drmaus on Apr 30, 2013 11:24 AM ()
Satchel (Gray) 12 will be 13 in September.
Rosie Rosebud (Black) 11 will be 12 in Sept.
Doobie (Black) will be 7 in Sept.
Rinpoche (Black & white) 4th birthday on May 5th.
Quincy -eyes (Gray/Black tabby) will be 4 on Halloween.
Sessie (Siamese) probably 2, have to assign a birthday.
Sparky (Ginger and white tabby) Same
Hobster (Ginger tabby) 1 yr on June 27.
Choccie (Black) 1 yr on June 27.
Cocoa (Black) 1 yr on June 27.
reply by jondude on Apr 30, 2013 3:09 PM ()
A couple of months ago, I woke up in pain all the time. But, I started working out harder, walking and working with the machines at my gym. My arm is limited because of the injury and still hurts, but I work out my core and my legs regularly (4 times a week) guess what, my pain has gone down to about 1/4 of what it was. I never thought I'd be an exercise a holic but I'm becoming one. I feel so much better with it that without it. I hate the working out part, but I'm enjoying the lack of pain and I had really bad pain in my legs and ankles. Just saying.
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 28, 2013 5:21 AM ()
comment by marta on Apr 27, 2013 7:02 PM ()
I solve one night time problem and another pops up. I'm chipping away at things that keep me from sleeping a solid 6-8 hours. I was really tired this morning, but minimal pain that usually is worked out within a half an hour. I have a suggestion (I am going to try it myself) ... instead of moaning, put a smile on your face. Keep it there no matter what. It is a positive inner hypnotic thing that might help. Don't hit me now. Wait till we meet.
comment by tealstar on Apr 27, 2013 6:33 AM ()
Coffee helps. Aleve night and morning helps me, more than the arthritis
meds. Unfortunately, Rex is also getting arthritic and has to have meds
but they help him. The cats are darling.
comment by elderjane on Apr 26, 2013 6:44 AM ()
I use aleve as well. It really does work.
reply by teacherwoman on Apr 28, 2013 5:22 AM ()
I am taking one aleve at night for the back sciatica-like pain, which isn't as major because of my new back-rest bed-lounger that is helping keep me from assuming the troublesome positions. It tends to wear off by about 5 a.m. I have read that long-term use can impact on the stomach and liver and I am trying to get off it by not taking it some nights. Maybe you are one of the users who are not affected.
reply by tealstar on Apr 27, 2013 6:30 AM ()
well then moaning is a part of life for all of us.Everyday as I go to the club to play tennis and do my workout.While driving towards there and saying to myself,there has to be something better than this.Have not found it yet.Though this is different than moaning but while driving saying to myself as I repeated and just want to keep driving and driving and go to some magical place and spend the rest of my life there.Isn't this weird.What your story moaning glory?
okay,jon sorry for all of the stupid that that I write here on your comment.
You can join me if you like say something stupid to me.
comment by fredo on Apr 25, 2013 12:56 PM ()
I can relate to the morning moans unfortunately. Any way you can take your medication right before bedtime -- or if you wake during the night, can you take a dose then? Sometimes this helps me with ibuprofen. When I remember, that is.
comment by drmaus on Apr 25, 2013 9:41 AM ()
Audible moaning is a necessary release, as you say. Funny, my cats react the same way. Great photo!!!
comment by steeve on Apr 25, 2013 8:35 AM ()
Over the years since I started having those morning aches and pains, I was glad to see that some of them went away eventually, only to be replaced by different aches and pains. It would be bad news if they were cumulative instead of consecutive.
comment by troutbend on Apr 25, 2013 7:43 AM ()

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